Are we loving more or getting sick more?

Hello guys! For the people who are arriving now, we are taking the path of the inner journey. Reflections have been left here to accompany us on this journey into ourselves. We realize that it is not a simple journey, but it is rich and very worthwhile.

Reflection today begins with what we have applied most in our lives: loving or falling ill? While it may seem strange to ask this question, the answer may surprise you.

We usually say that we love each other and that we want the best for ourselves. But if this is true, why do we mistreat ourselves in such varied ways? For example in the way we eat, in the hours of sleep, in the time dedicated to the internet, in the physical exercises. And the ugly face? Has it been part of our daily life?  

Depending on the answers given to these simple questions, we will begin to see how we are treating ourselves and why we have been sick physically and mentally.

When we spend too much time on technological things, we end up sending an exaggerated amount of information to the mind, making it hyperthinking and agitated. This can leave us on a high level of anxiety, disorganizing mind and body.

Are we loving more or getting sick more?And the ugly face we make when we are thwarted in our desires? Let's imagine that each setback forms a point of tension. How many times do we feel upset in a day, a month, a year? This point is growing, growing and stealing energy from our family life, from our affective and professional relationships. Experience shows us that stress points in the family and work environment happen throughout life and, when we realize it, the level of internal dissatisfaction is so high that it needs to be “unloaded” in some way. With the countless repetitions of these events, diseases begin in the physical body. Of course, we need to take into account the intensity of the facts, and the repetition time, says Dr. Marco Aurélio in the book "Who loves doesn't get sick".

I have heard more and more doctors reporting the reasons that lead patients to seek them. What is most striking is that the exams do not detect anything physical, but the vast majority have emotional pain. These are people who feel hurt, full of resentment and discouragement among other things. These feelings, not elaborated and kept in the unconscious, destabilize.

This is exactly what makes us better understand what Jung calls the “Shadow”: that which we do not see and that haunts us.

What conclusion can we reach from these findings? That our biggest enemies inhabit our interior and to fight them we need self-knowledge.

But how?

  • Analyzing our thoughts and our attitudes.
  • Discovering what our imperfections are and accepting each one of them.

These are some tips to exercise self-knowledge and, from there, start the transformation process. Remembering that this is a slow, gradual, constant process and requires a lot of perseverance to not give up at the first obstacles.

So, good luck and good work to everyone who strives to be a little better every day!


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