Are there extraterrestrials?

Jesus Christ: “My kingdom is not of this world”

John 18:36

Sitting looking at the wonderful sky of an evening, I was meditating the immensity of the universe. I thought, it would be too much of a waste of space for God to create life on just one planet that is a grain of sand next to the universe in which new planets are still being discovered.

I, curious as I am, began to observe the things that Jesus “spoke” in the bible. What to be enlightened! How many valuable teachings were passed on at that time. Of course, it's a shame for me that the wonderful story of Jesus has become a novel, a fairy tale, to be written for hierarchical Roman governmental purposes. I find it very interesting that Jesus didn't write anything in the bible, but it's worth checking it out.

Are there extraterrestrials?
Pexels/John-Mark Smith

I think he didn't write anything because his life mission had purposes pertinent to that time, that nation and that situation in which Israel was going through. It took the intervention of a great avatar to change the course of history. This elevated spirit from another planet, this avatar, was Jesus. He was a great revolutionary, bringing his egalitarian and loving vision. He came to revolutionize and plant seeds.

We have to extract the richness of its teachings, and apply them for our spiritual growth.

We are spirits having a human experience. The spirit comes from the universe, and in the universe there are planets, so we are all extraterrestrials, even being more skeptical can't rule out this truth!

Planet Earth had and still has great examples of the truth. Enlightened beings, very intelligent, great avatars bringing revolutions, changes of thoughts, scientific and technological evolution, etc.

Examples: Jesus, as I used references from western culture, as well as Buddha, among other great religious revolutionaries.

We have Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton with their scientific revolutions and a vast list of examples.

Our disbelief in the existence of lives on other planets is disbelief about us!

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When we try to get to know each other, question the spiritual origin, question matters, such as, how in a time without structures and equipment were the pyramids of Egypt built? It is the internet? And the great plastic artists and musicians with magnificent compositions?

Questioning where so much intelligence comes from… we ourselves sometimes wake up with new ideas, déjà vu and extraterrestrial sensations. The mind is fantastic! Through it we can connect with other worlds, and other ways of thinking!

The path to spiritual evolution is to study, investigate...

Are there extraterrestrials?

The bible is a great shortcut and instrument of investigation, not that it is the truth, but a means by which doubts arise.

And where there is doubt, there is curiosity.

Where there is curiosity, there is a desire to learn.

Where there is a will to learn, there is knowledge.


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