the mockers

    There are an infinity of beliefs and each one behaves according to what is preached where they attend. There are people, however, who go to different places, which makes life always go from bad to worse. This, therefore, is no wonder, for we cannot have more than one belief! Remember what Jesus said about serving God and Mammon? (Luke 16:13). We must follow the parameters of the gullible that we believe to be right and each one has the right to choose what suits him best.

    We have a friend who attends all types of religion, although he claims to be a follower of only one, but he told me that when โ€œthingsโ€ get tough, he needs to look for โ€œsomething strongerโ€. I think it's hilarious, because it's a faith of several parameters and I wonder how much fun the less evolved spirits who like to mock. Yes, because those who left and were mocked, irresponsible when they were here and who still haven't found themselves in spirituality, continue in the same way, however, now, without the carnal body practicing mockery, "playing pranks", invisibly disturbing those who are here. stayed!

    The act of practicing rituals, worshiping images, having fingers, horseshoes, rabbit's foot, amulets hanging around the neck and ribbons on arms, worshiping tattoos, statues, monuments or promoting exorcism shows and so many other practices only make the life we โ€‹โ€‹have to walk difficult. here on Earth.

    the mockers
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    I always say that we are spirits who have lived many, many lives, because we were created by the Father to be eternal. Since we left the caves billions of years ago, we have adopted customs and rituals that we still struggle to get rid of. This is considered normal and each one has the right to, in communion, agree with the same thought and follow such customs and doctrines.

    Interesting is that Jesus, the most perfect Being who passed through the Earth, never used any kind of amulet, adornment or accessory. He limited himself to teaching us a prayer for us to connect with the Father, aiming to relieve pain in the necessary moments. Any different ritual or vestment, therefore, is a mere necessity that, over time, has been adopted to strengthen the faith.

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    In addition, we understand that many people need something tangible to reconnect with God, but many beliefs have already passed this dependence and only use prayer to get in tune with the Most High, although God unconditionally loves and accepts any requests, as long as they come out of the heart. In fact, friendly spirits tell us that no prayer is lost when it is made with fervor and committed to good.

    One day, all beliefs will unite in one voice, in the patterns that Jesus taught us, for God is unique.

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