April 18: National Spiritism Day – Reflections on the Doctrine

When the pedagogue Hippolyte León Denizard Rivail, birth name of the well-known Allan Kardec, decoded the Spiritist Doctrine in XNUMXth century France, he could never have imagined that Spiritism would reach so many homes and adepts. Presenting itself as a religion that would bring comfort and explanation to our doubts about the afterlife, the spiritist faith makes us believe that the disincarnation is just a passage to another sphere(s), that life continues, but in a different way. another form (spiritual, without matter). Also that we will reap what we have sown previously (action of the law of action and reaction). In other words, the way we relate to our peers – or even strangers who cross our path – the good or bad we practice, will trigger a list of positive or negative experiences that we will carry with us after death. Everything is learning. It is as if we are ascending a spiral of light towards full evolution, each on a level; some will climb faster, others slower, still others will park in a certain position on the platform for some time. What comforts us is knowing that we do not involute, that everything already learned is stored in our spirit and goes with us as baggage for future lives.

Many would think that there are no previous lives because we don't remember them, but this is a misconception. The benefit of forgetting the past was given to us by God, so that we can move forward with our tasks in the present incarnation. Imagine if we remembered every disagreement, every enemy or every person we hurt? It would be martyrdom to live! The veil of forgetfulness is a blessing bestowed so that we do not feel anger or guilt over past mistakes. It is always possible to start over. When we sleep, our spirit travels to another dimension, where we find spiritual friends. There it is possible, according to our merit, to obtain advice to better proceed in our evolution.

With the disincarnation, the material envelope, which is the physical body, perishes and leaves us, but our spirit and our perispirit follow with us, which is the bond that unites the spirit to the body. The perispirit is composed of electricity, magnetic fluid and some inert matter, as explained in the Spirits' Book, a work organized and published for the first time by Kardec in 1857 (it is important to note that Allan Kardec compiled messages received by spirits around the globe Terrestrial, in his five works considered basic: The Spirits' Book, The Mediums' Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell and The Genesis). Kardec was not a medium, but he was the important decoder that made it possible for the Doctrine of Spirits to be revealed and known. Still on the perispirit, Kardec's first work says: "Just as the germ of a fruit is enveloped by the perisperm, in the same way the spirit itself is coated with an envelope that, by comparison, can be called a perispirit".

April 18: National Spiritism Day – Reflections on the Doctrine
Photo by Isabella Mariana not from Pexels

The progress of the spirits takes place through successive incarnations. The objective of reincarnation, according to The Spirits' Book, is the progressive improvement of humanity. Spirits are unique, belonging to different classes that Spiritism explains. It is up to us to know that each incarnate human being brings with him his learning and takes with him all the teachings he has obtained. There are superior, pure, almost perfect spirits, as well as those who experience hatred, jealousy, envy, pride, who delight in evil. But even a spirit that does not do good can climb a better position in the spiral of evolution, doing good deeds in future lives, that is, educating itself morally and intellectually with the constant opportunities to revive. “Learning the lesson” is for everyone and this is the goal: to make mistakes, learn from mistakes, get it right and evolve, with the perfection of Master Jesus as a focus.

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There is still a need to comment on the plurality of spirit worlds. “There are many mansions in my Father's house”, it is said in the Gospel. The Father's house is the Universe; the different abodes are the worlds that circulate in infinite space. Earth is classified as a world of trials and atonement, an intermediate planet where good and evil are mixed (predominantly suffering). Earth was once a primitive world, where beings act by instinct and there is basically a fight for survival, but it is heading towards becoming a Planet of Regeneration, where good will prevail. There are also happy or blissful worlds, where relations between peoples are always friendly. Would it be a dream for Earth to become one of them? This is the destiny of all worlds, unification in light and fullness of peace. Of course, it will take many centuries for this to happen, as we are still carried away by selfishness. But we will witness the bliss of our Planet.

In short, celebrating the National Day of Spiritism is knowing that it brings many answers to questions that used to be imprisoning. Now, if death is not the end, then it makes sense to act correctly, to do good, to be solidary and correct, to always climb the spiral and not stagnate. Studying the Doctrine is feeding the living source of God within us.


KARDEC, Allan. The gospel According to spiritism. trans. by Guillon Ribeiro from the 3rd ed. French rev., correct. and mod. by the author in 1866. 124. ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2004.

______ The Spirits' Book: principles of the Spiritist Doctrine. trans. by Guillon Ribeiro. 86. ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2005.

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