Buddhism: positive energy and generosity

Buddhism is much more than just a religion, it is also a doctrine that is supported by a philosophical and ethical system that emerged in the Asian Indian region.

Its creation took place through the teachings and messages left by Siddhartha Gautama, who is also popularly known as Sakyamuni, a wise individual who lived in the Sakya clan. However, the name with which he really stood out all over the world was Buddha, who lived between the years 563 and 483 BC, in Nepal.

Buddhism: positive energy and generosity
Photo the wilsan u no Unsplash

Buddha's desire was never to convert anyone to his beliefs. However, his objective was centered on the attempt to enlighten individuals more and more with his teachings, which were created based on experiences lived by himself. The Buddhist religion is therefore surrounded by a lot of wisdom, knowledge and intellect. Its followers, in turn, achieve much-needed inner peace through it.

An interesting highlight is the fact that Buddha was never considered a god, but a true spiritual guide for his followers, who could also adhere to other religions while following the practices of Buddhism.

With more than 2.500 years of existence, this doctrine first spread through Asia, especially India. Then it went through all of Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, China, Sri Lanka, Tibet and others. However, nowadays, it is possible to find this religion all over the map.

Main teachings

Among the main philosophical and modern teachings of Buddhism, we can start by pointing out that the lessons mainly involve the cultivation of good and the non-practice of evil, which are primarily responsible for our mental well-being.

Buddhism: positive energy and generosity
Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash

The main aim is to achieve Nirvana, which is nothing more than a reality and experience superior to what all individuals seek. It is at this moment that samsara, or rather the cycle of suffering, comes to an end in the individual's life.

To attain Nirvana, one must practice generosity and compassion itself, learning to completely detach oneself from negative karma. This mode, which is really superior to everything and everyone, guarantees the freedom and full happiness of our soul, which would be considered by many Buddhist masters as the true evolution of the spirit.

The knowledge present in Buddhism affirms that the human being will have to reincarnate several times after his death, always going through sufferings that involve material goods. However, what the individual does in one life is always considered in the next, and so on, until he finally finds his truth, frees himself from suffering (karma) and attains nirvana.

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Buddhist philosophy is based on some truths, such as pain, which refers to material desires and lack of knowledge. In this way, it is necessary to overcome these factors through some actions in which meditation stands out as the most important and also the closest to Nirvana.

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