Animals and poetry: a union of love

    Animals and poetry: a union of love
    March 14th is the Day of Animals and Poetry. And I, as a poet who lives with an animal (better, I lived), couldn't help but poetize here about what it's like to live with these four-legged children/parents/friends/companions. They love us unconditionally and awaken in us a love so unconditional how much they are able to give.

    All, without fail, become part of and like their friends. Their gestures are similar to ours. Are we the ones who want to see ourselves in them or do they really appropriate our personality and characteristic by looking at us so much?

    This question has always intrigued me. Well, they say they are irrational. But its irrationality is more like a semantic difference in reasoning. Of course, the “I think, therefore I am” is a peculiarity of ours. But they make reasoning associations yes. Just conceptually and interestingly different.

    My Supla had a certain grumpy and mocking air, but he was extremely friendly and, if you were sad, he would run to comfort you, lying on your belly. As he was extremely agitated, from time to time there were even scratches left by the visitors. He loved to frighten them, and I would help him by telling them to play, but also to be careful, because he had his wishes. So similar to me! But if she wanted to please him, all she had to do was arrive with a package of ham, a pot of olives or a piece of papaya, and he would purr happily like a Taurus over his favorite dish.

    We had games and songs of our own. He loved it! Hard not to love! Hard not to miss it! He's been gone for less than a month and I feel alone and strange in my own home. Even because she was always more his than mine... That's why, just this once, instead of a text full of thoughts, I just wanted to pay tribute, in the form of poetry, to whom for 18 years he gave more love than he received:

    Today I didn't have to move away from the air outlet...

    Today I didn't shrink my feet when moving in bed...

    Today I didn’t stumble at dawn when I got up to go to the bathroom or the fridge…

    Today I won't need to clean the entire area before leaving for work and when I return…

    Today I'm not going to cut two slices of ham finely chopped...

    I don't think I even buy ham, olives or papayas anymore…

    Today I'm not going to prepare breakfast or evening snack tripping over you

    Today I will not be late to give in to your latest blackmail….

    Today I won't have to leave the right end of the six-foot sofa…

    Today I'm not going to kneel down for our daily game, which you've been avoiding, how to prepare myself...

    Today I will be able to play my drum freely without any censorship…

    Today no one will eat the sunflower I insist on growing...

    And none of that makes me happy!

    Your giant and warrior heart stopped beating and left mine beating sore for the lack I'm already feeling.

    Who says cats don't love, don't know how to love without attachment...

    He didn't know you and, if he did, he didn't know how to read and recognize this special and unconditional love that comes from spontaneity and not from necessity.

    For some time, I will miss you, the absence of jokes, teasing and pampering of a little more than 17 years old, that started that morning when we crossed our paths and you decided to follow me.

    I know that kittens, even from heaven, don't read poetry, but this is just a way that we, little special beings who don't speak with our eyes, need to express love, compassion, acceptance and share ills.

    The days are half empty and, even so, I am grateful for you, my little four-legged mirror, love of life, now taking up residence in the colorful universe of special beings.

    May you play and be happy as you always were and made me!

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