What is your life for?

    Life is not easy. Since childhood, we are forced to go through obligations and begin to understand how to deal with problems. It's like video game phases, which go from the easiest level (with homework and getting up early to go to school) to the hardest level (work, bills to pay and the deterioration of the body over time). Some children are already born with difficulties related to poverty and health, thus entering a more difficult game early on, while certain adults can boast of a comfortable financial situation and/or strong health.

    Many people define their reasons for living based on these two aspects: health and money. But are these only two goals enough to achieve happiness? The issue of health is very important for a person's well-being and money can help a lot in this regard, which contributes a lot to an abundant life. But will it be enough? One of the premises of human beings is that the more they have, the more they want.

    A person who has no money can be happy, just as there are countless cases of millionaire individuals who are unhappy. When we talk about health, the situation is not so diverse, however, it is not exact either. In the same way that it is usually prioritized, especially with millionaires spending fortunes to try to cure themselves, many people who are sick or have a disability lead full and happy lives.

    What is your life for?

    When we talk about reason for life, we bring the rational issue into the discussion. The meaning of life connects the emotional too, the search for what illuminates our heart. But reason is something much more pragmatic, as it is the line that connects us to the goal we want to reach. What is your goal? Oscar Wilde, famous writer, already said that worse frustration than never reaching a goal is reaching it, that is, after we overcome obstacles, what is our new goal? Unlike a video game, life goes on even after the game is over.

    It is important to trace a reason for life linked to our well-being. If the goal is achievable, that's wonderful, but there's no need to stipulate one after the other. There are many things that we unleash a huge effort to conquer that don't bring so many benefits. The reason for a life must always be guided by the search for one's own happiness.

    Written by Diego Rennan of Team Eu Fronteiras

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