What to learn about relationships from your friends

    The feeling of friendship is characterized as a union between people with affinities and similarities, and such artifacts bring them closer to a relationship that goes far beyond happy hour on the weekend. Perhaps this symmetry does not always correspond to what the other wants, because in fact, it is impossible for us to live in the same ways and have identical opinions on certain subjects. Respect, above all, is the basis that builds this appreciation for the unequal and makes us turn on the button for the process of evolution.

    As spiritual leader Sri Prem Baba points out, we grow through relationships, whether they are loving or not. What puts us on the path of development as human beings on this earth plane is the way we relate to other individuals, regardless of their connection to us. We are in a kind of school, full of teachers and students united in a single mission: to connect with the power of love and walk together to transform the world.

    Friendship plays an extremely important role in this journey into the unknown. It is through this relationship that we have the ability to recognize ourselves as thinking beings, capable of contributing to the well-being of the other. Words sometimes carry more meaning than actions, and what we say can be a determining factor in which directions someone can take. The affective bond is so powerful and tends to leave us eternal marks, just remember a friend from your childhood or adolescence and bring to your memory memories of how special and significant he was (or still is) in your story.

    Who doesn't know a couple who before being together romantically were best friends? However, the danger may be in the past tense of the verb ser: โ€œwereโ€. Dealing with such an event may not be so simple, however, the ties that tie us to someone are simply extracted from the relationship we have with that person. The past here needs to be remembered fondly. If you've fallen in love with such a friend, it's because, somehow, he offers you genuine qualities that support your idea of โ€‹โ€‹having him as a partner. Although the level is different, do not allow the lightness of friendship to be lost, feed it daily and keep your love as your best friend.

    What to learn about relationships from your friends

    And what are the lessons we can learn from the friendship relationships we cultivate?

    The answers are extensive, however, this meeting will indicate your position in relation to the progress that has been made in the face of your growth as a human in this immensity known as the Universe. Faced with the infinity and sovereignty of nature, we realize how small we are in this pale blue dot, paraphrasing the great scientist, Carl Sagan.

    Being a fan of the victories of your roadmates, without strings, without envy or feelings that make you hesitate on the way is the clearest demonstration of love you can have. In communion with affection, we must keep in mind that the essential in any type of connection with the other, the basic and fundamental requirement that will fuel this whole gear is freedom. Be free and leave the path of the next free. We cannot take away the right to come and go from anyone. In addition to being a law of men, the influence it exerts on the non-material is very relevant.

    The benefits of having friends are numerous. Counting on someone in joy or sadness overcomes any obstacle that comes to disturb your circuit. Enjoy the company of those who love you, enjoy this feeling tenderly and always be grateful to be able to share your moments with someone. We are connected in this adventure known as life, without distinction, and when we realize this, maybe humanity will take another direction, other than its complete extinction.

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