Allow yourself to flow with life, but know exactly what you want!

    Flowing with life is not always a simple task, as the illusion of controlling how everything should be permeates our minds and clouds our vision, not allowing us to perceive the results we are getting from our choices and actions. And, there, we do not recognize ourselves as active beings and we surrender our power of change to chance and to the will of others.

    “Let it flow” is a very common piece of advice, we've heard it a lot and we've already offered it in droves too. To some ears it sounds like: “Do nothing, everything will come to you”. Interesting, but this is just one aspect, one point of view. Furthermore, what has been done with our ability to evaluate and modify what no longer satisfies us and has lost its meaning? Yes, there is a universal hierarchy. It is not possible to know everything that the future holds. If so, we would all know the day of our departure, right? Well, if we only have the arrival ticket here, each minute is unique and each experience an opportunity for evolution. Although the end of this journey is an unknown for us, this does not justify an existence without defined directions.

    Those who don't know what they want, in whatever area of ​​life, accepts living submissively to others and sees no way out. He thinks that to flow is to wander through the days, stalking life as if he were not worthy of everything he appreciates, craves and dreams of. On the contrary, one can only flow with life when he finds in himself what he seeks so much outside. Not having defined goals does not mean that our lives are meaningless, it is just a sign that we are not at our center, at some point we lose ourselves in the commonplace and plasticized distractions of too inhumane societies, which frame and summarize existence in canvases. of a handful of inches.

    Letting things flow is not synonymous with doing nothing, acting like a curious spectator who longs for some future to see what happens, living dreams only in imagination and never turning them into reality. Nor is it going around unrestrained, acting without thinking, running over oneself and others in the blindness of automatism. Two opposite situations that lead nowhere. So what?

    Middle way, balance…

    Allow yourself to flow with life, but know exactly what you want!

    Knowing in the depths of our being what we really want, feel and what we are looking for is a constant work of self-observation, it doesn't stop. When we have this intimacy with ourselves, which allows us to understand the self, we understand that letting go is nothing more than realizing, once and for all, that, in order to manifest our dreams, it is necessary to understand who we are and our real purposes, what it cheers and elevates us and makes the heart vibrate with a certainty so intense that no mental judgment dares to shake.

    All answers whisper in our ears, and events bathe us in evidence that we are in complete accord with our souls. And that's letting go!

    Life leads us to observe it in a panoramic way. Looking from above, we see all the points: new paths, opportunities, possible changes and the courage to act, to walk in a fluid way, attentive and with sharpened perception. We have five senses that don't exist for nothing. We still have the sixth, a bonus, commonly called intuition. Understanding our aspirations opens the best doors for us and this is totally different from simply entering any door, living to live and hoping that, without planting, we will reap fruits.

    If we know where we are going, we are lighter to accept the unexpected that comes without losing sight of what we seek for tomorrow. It's just that sometimes things don't turn out as we idealized; they leave the way they need to bring us the learning that will guide us to the answers we so much ask for. What we ask for is presented to us in the form of challenges, and challenges make us winners, able to discover more, to transcend any obstacle. Note: if we ask for patience, complicated situations will require us to exercise patience. You only learn something through your own effort and by relating to others. It is like that in every scenario of our lives. Everything that presents itself to us is requesting our work.

    Therefore, every time we hear or feel that we should let life flow, it is a sign that the time has come to release some of that weight that we carry unnecessarily. Giving up certain things can be really smart on our part and bring that relief we seek, but we don't have the courage to give it up, because we think everything is under our control. We better not think like that. Let's move towards our goals and let life take care of guiding us to the next step, in the certainty that we are all deserving of the best and fully capable of dealing with the worst, even if we don't know it yet.

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