An Inner Journey Through Autumn

“Notice that autumn is more a season for the soul than for nature” – Carlos Drummond de Andrade.

Just like in nature, our life is marked by cycles and each one of them has peculiar characteristics. The beginning of a new season of the year can be an opportunity to align with natural cycles and, with that, it can provide us with tools that favor self-knowledge.

In March, we will have the autumn solstice. Day and night will be the same length, in the transition between late summer and early autumn. From then on, the days will be less bright until winter arrives. We can connect to this period, seeking to observe the changes that occur both externally and internally. The keywords for this season are: celebrate balance, give thanks for abundance and let the old die.

Next, I will share tips and exercises that can help you connect with the energy of this season, favoring your self-knowledge.

Autumn is time for the old to die to be born the new

An Inner Journey Through Autumn
Photo by Designecologist on Pexels

During autumn, the leaves fall to feed the soil. It is also time to reap all that has grown. In this way, this is an opportunity to reflect on how your life is going and define what should be closed, what needs to be resumed and how to sow new projects.

For this, we will divide by areas: spirituality, relationships, physical, work, family, etc. Here you can add the areas that are suitable for you. For each of them, create three columns: let go (close), resume and sow (new projects/attitudes). Once this is done, describe what attitudes are necessary to achieve what was previously defined.

Autumn is time to let go

An Inner Journey Through Autumn
Photo by Sarbjeet Sandhu no Pexels

It is time to evaluate the choices you have made so far, for your harvest is the result of those choices. It's time to let go of everything that no longer serves you, old patterns, emotions that imprison you, fears that paralyze you. You can also get your hands dirty and enjoy the fall vibe to do that detachment clean up on your clothes, books, things from the house, etc.

Autumn is time to slow down and retreat

An Inner Journey Through Autumn
Photo by Ana M. not from Pexels

It's time to slow down, to slow down the intense rhythm that summer gives us. Just as there is a balance between day and night, you can be more in touch with nature, focusing on finding your inner balance.

Contemplate the colors and aromas, observe the transition that nature is going through in this period and try to focus your attention on your internal world. How are your thoughts and emotions? What investments do you need to make you feel more balanced? Try to reflect on how you have been dealing with changes in your life in all aspects, whether physical, material, emotional. This is a good time to start a practice of meditation, breathing exercises, or relaxation.

Autumn is a time of gratitude for what is gone and what is yet to come.

An Inner Journey Through Autumn
Photo by Anuradha Gupta from Pexels

After having gone through the reflection process proposed above, it is time to give thanks. Thank you for what is gone and for everything that is yet to come. Keeping a non-judgmental attitude, evaluate the people who have passed through your life and be grateful to each one of them, regardless of whether it was a good experience. Also be grateful for the people who are in your life and for those who are yet to come. Celebrate and give thanks for all abundance - not only material, but on other levels as well, such as spiritual, affective, among others. Be open to this period of change and transformation and be grateful for it.

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These are some exercise proposals for this period that can help you in your self-knowledge process. Although they are aligned with the autumn period, you can do them at any time and if you need to. Remember that this is not a journey you should walk alone, seek the help of a professional.

To the next!

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