all these people

He knows about all these people who open their mouths to occupy themselves

You know that it is from these people that despair comes from not being able to hold on

In times of so much turmoil, money is short for those who want to study

It's cut from all sides, it always breaks for the weakest, there's nothing to talk about

Today science is cut off, research with nothing to advance

Health is scrapped, and the poor don't kill because they have to kill

The word, so emptied, is filled with bullets to try to get up

The government in the front commission, cutting the chain of those who want to help

all these people

See across the street, there's dark paint smearing

She has the color of a wall, razor shape for those who want to get closer

Watch out, don't look too closely, the man is right, don't doubt

Pot hitting the street is not a spark for those who want to decimate

There's a guy dressed as a myth, blowing a whistle to be content

He speaks so against the current, the truths belie, and no one knows how to stop

I ask the people above why the slaughter is justified

España, people are born, don't lose your belief in everything getting better

all these people

I invoke the immeasurable class, which jokes that it teaches, but does not want to listen

What is lacking is an attentive ear and a mouth without the urge to put

The time has come for the poor not to be mockers and not just work

Our world depends on everyone, and it's for the people that we need to fight

State of exception has become the rule, and the law does not give a truce to change

There's a measure for so much absurdity, left to mute so it doesn't spread

While we look at Reginas and disagree with the theater they try to show us

There are people dying of hunger, and the virus that arrives, arrives to kill

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Today, in this pandemic, the voice has become a fate for being muffled

May our walls not be a reason for thirst that make us shut up

Let's use the time at home to remove the gag and change ourselves

Let us hear the voice that does not speak, putting its race to manifest

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