Alcoholics Anonymous

    In the midst of many cities where we carry out our activity as a police officer, in one we founded the Alcoholics Anonymous Group, and in other many lectures we proceeded. It was a way of helping these brothers who were entering and are still struggling against addiction.

    For a long time, alcoholism started to be treated as a disease and no longer as a mere lack of shame in the face or irresponsibility as many still think and say today.

    It is, yes, in the first moment, in the first sips, a lack of care with the body, but it is also often an act of sharpening the spirit that we are to rediscover some reality of a past life, because we do not know what we were and if we were previously addicted to this drug, and when we take the first sips everything comes back to the surface.

    I also saw inconsequences of parents with their little boy on their lap who gave proof of the drink they were ingesting to these little ones, not out of malice, but out of irresponsibility, meaning that the son to be male had to drink. That's sad.

    I keep thinking nowadays how the trials on Earth are peculiar to each one of the inhabitants, because while some have less difficulties, others have more ingredients, as in the case of alcoholics, who, having to avoid drinking for at least 24 hours, and after another 24 hours they have to live today with the pandemic that requires hygiene with gel alcohol.

    Alcoholics Anonymous
    Daria Sannikova / Pexels

    I say this because in the midst of literature and conversations with these sick brothers in recovery, we know that they should avoid the use of deodorants, perfumes and flavorings such as vinegars that contain alcohol. There is little care to avoid the outbreak of desire, as we know that alcoholism has no cure.

    Today, in every place we enter, alcohol is present for us to proceed with asepsis to avoid contamination, and I can imagine how complicated the ordeal of being dependent on alcoholics is, but certainly these brothers who struggle to stay sober are being supported by the Greater Spirituality and they manage to pass through this difficulty, and with perseverance they will succeed.

    • What do alcoholic beverages do to your health? Understand!
    • Meet the National Day Against Drugs and Alcoholism
    • Practice responsibility when drinking alcohol
    • Understand what is important to know about therapy

    Today we know that alcohol is absorbed by the body even in contact with the skin. Therefore, my friends, we must not be discouraged by any obstacle. Let's face our traumas and reach limits, because the trials are there, some with more difficult degrees than others. It is from Divine Law. Strength everyone and another 24 hours.

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