Ahhh… it's autumn!

    I'm one of those people who love the sun and all the seasons it prevails.

    I like the beach and heat. Seeing the sun shining transforms my day, literally! I'm sure I'm powered by vitamin D, the one that only the sun can provide us naturally!

    So when autumn arrives, it already gives me that feeling that something is missing, it gives me a natural longing for summer and all its possibilities.

    Have you noticed that when autumn starts and the days get shorter again, we tend to retreat more into the warmth of our homes? It is common for us to abandon physical activities and go out only to more closed and warm places. just like winning (or recover) those extra pounds due to winter foods full of heat and calories, but still irresistible!

    But this year, despite everything I've already mentioned, autumn, its chill and the grayest days bring a very special invitation... it's welcome time! An ideal moment for you to welcome yourself, get to know yourself, observe yourself, respect yourself… Take advantage of this invitation to be quiet and make an analysis of your purposes, your steps, your desires.

    Just as trees use autumn to shed their leaves, long preparing for spring rebirth, may we know how to appreciate the opportunities that life gives us to slow down for a few moments and look at the needs of our body and soul.

    Ahhh… it's autumn!

    Yes, from our soul too! Because when we listen to our body's needs and respect our limits, we are automatically taking care of our soul, freeing it from all excess, all bad energy and all unnecessary wear and tear.

    Observe nature, all its intelligence and teachings. Many trees change their leaves in autumn while many animals store food for the winter, that is, the cycle of life has been there for years, showing us that T_U_D_O have a reason!

    So, may you enjoy your inner autumn to reflect, recalculate the route and inflate your tires. May you realize that this moment of nature is more than sporting winter clothes and diving into soups, cheeses and chocolates, as wonderful as they are!

    Let the old leaves that no longer fit fall, get rid of old beliefs and get ready for a new world to come! But while he doesn't arrive, enjoy the first of the best autumns of your life!

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