An Encounter with Essence: The Wild Woman Archetype

    Today there is so much talk about rescuing one's essence, and there are several therapies, books, practices that summon us to this reunion with our uniqueness.

    But how to find the way to be the essence itself, in a world that wants us domesticated? How to be whole in a world that wants us in half? Fragmented in watertight papers:

    Ana is the good mother; Julia is the family scholar; Carla is the successful one; Paula, the flirt; Claudia, the behaved… Hey!! For!!

    Who would you be without fitting into the labels that society has already given you? Who would you be if you didn't have to fit into roles, without having to judge if it's good or bad, right or wrong for society... Who would you be???

    Who is the Wild and Free Woman inside?

    In the book “Mulheres que Correm com os Lobos”, Clarissa Pinkola Estés brings different tales about the archetype of the Wild Woman, and invites us to reconnect with her.

    Also called “La loba” or “La que sabe”, your Wild Woman is that intuitive part of you that knows what is true for you. Know your essence. He knows what the father of Analytical Psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, called “himself”.

    The wolf that dwells in me, in you and in all women is that part of us that has been silenced by society and even by ourselves, but which refuses to oppress itself. It holds all our ancestral wisdom. She knows all of our essence… she is our essence waiting to break free.

    But how to bring our Wild Woman to life in a world that wants us domesticated?

    An Encounter with Essence: The Wild Woman Archetype
    Jackson Hayes / Unsplash

    For a better understanding of the importance of rescuing “La que sabe” in women's lives, we need to elucidate what archetypes are, according to Jungian theory.

    Archetypes are sets of primordial images that inhabit the universal collective unconscious, resulting from transgenerational experiences.

    It is an ancestral knowledge that we have kept within us and that we can develop in an integrated and positive way or not.

    Each archetype has a set of psychobehavioral characteristics that are expressed in our behavior, even if we are not aware of it.

    The Wild Woman is this archetypal force that resides at the base of the feminine and that refuses to be tamed. It's that part of you that knows things should be different, that wants to get rid of the shackles – whatever the ties that oppress you – but often finds itself with no way out, needing to adapt to a world that should be different.

    For years, patriarchal society has demonized the Wild Woman! She hunted, burned, and tried to annihilate it for good. A great example of this was the Inquisition, with the witch hunt, which murdered thousands of women for centuries. Intuitive women, women who healed, women who connected with nature and spirituality… Women like you and me!

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    Luckily for us, these efforts weren't enough to kill “La que sabe” inside us! She lives inside every woman, and we just need to become aware of her to start a path of self-discovery for her awakening.

    The Wild Woman is intuitive, joyful, creative, loyal, free. She innately has powers of healing and self-healing, of death and rebirth, for she is cyclical and aware of this.

    She knows what she wants, what she came for, why she is where she is! She is confident in conveying her message to the world, her thoughts and ideas and does not allow herself to be oppressed.

    Understanding the Wild Woman that inhabits each of us is to appropriate our instinctive psyche, it is to access the ancestral wisdom of all women who lived before us. Since the beginning of the world!

    Without it, we go through life fragile, directionless, hesitant and worn out.

    But, when we enter the space of search for our Wild Woman, we start to occupy our body in another way. With trust, integrity and reconnected with what is essential to us. We align with our cycle and are ready to love – ourselves and everyone else!

    An Encounter with Essence: The Wild Woman Archetype
    Allef Vinicius / Unsplash

    If you felt the call to reconnect with your Wild Woman, here is the invitation to join our pack in the reading wheel Mulheres que Correm com os Lobos, a therapeutic experience for reconnection with “La que sabe”!.

    For more information, just contact me through any of my communication channels. Until then!

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