Don't get used to the more or less in your life

    This morning, before I got up, I was watching myself…

    I realized that I was lying on my side, on top of my left shoulder and I realized that he was hurting in this position. The way my head was on the pillow, it was also hurting my neck on the left side.

    So I found myself contradicting myself. Something told me change position now before the pain increases.

    But on the other hand, something comforted me saying: “it's so comfortable… So warm in this position. Why change?”

    I reflected a little… And I realized how many things, situations, people that make us feel bad, make us feel bad. We let it remain in our life for the simple fact of getting used to the illusory situation of comfort.

    We can no longer admit thatthe more or less” stay in our life! This false sense of comfort, which often leads us to have serious problems even in our physical health.

    Ending dreams, goals, professional and financial prosperity. taking our self-love, our self-esteem, for the simple fact that you feel comfortable.

    Don't get used to the more or less in your lifeif you really want to be feliz, want to feel accomplished, would you like to love and to be loved, do not allow the “more or less” to settle in your life.

    And if he's already there, don't despair! There is always time for a fresh start. Just select your priorities in life and be happy! 

    Everything that saddens you, causes you pain, discomfort, lets you down, will not make you really happy!

    Don't accept in your life a love more or less, a pain more or less, a job more or less, a boyfriend more or less, a husband or wife more or less, a friend more or less...

    Remove once and for all the “plus or minus” from your life.

    And be happy!

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