Addiction is of the Soul

The Spirit, before reincarnating, chooses by attraction and affinities the environment where it will be born. He reflects and repairs his weaknesses, his difficulties, preparing himself to then return to matter, to the body of flesh, where he will seek to strengthen himself and achieve conquests, progress in that situation in which he has the difficulty that is out of control.

We are referring to a bad passion, which is the exacerbation of a need, of a feeling that the Spirit got out of control in some reincarnation moment, where he now returns to learn to deal with that fragility, which he will call temptation. It will be together with their Guides and Mentors that they will combine the best family and social environment to expose themselves to that situation, to their β€œtemptation”.

The Spirit, then, returns decided, with a firm will to progress, and exposes itself to temptation to have the merit of resistance. Examples: to overcome the practice of theft and robbery, he will seek an environment in which these practices are commonplace, he will live with those people and will not be influenced.

In all situations, he will always seek to overcome what motivates him negatively, such as drinking, smoking, and any other compulsions. As long as the Spirit undergoes trials of this kind, it is because his lesson has not yet been completed, and he still needs to make several fixations on that subject, until there is complete conquest.

We notice that in many cases the guide does not advise that incursion, as he realizes that his ward is not yet sufficiently prepared, he still does not have the necessary resistance, but he insists, because in reality he wants to get back in touch with that situation that gives pleasure.

God does not give anyone a test he cannot bear. Everyone has freedom, what most lack is the will, this is individual. We know that with willpower there are no insurmountable vicious tendencies, what happens is that addiction often still gives us pleasure and, thus, we do not make the necessary efforts to tame the bad passion.

β€œDragment does exist; but, it is not irresistible.”

(Book of Spirits)

The environment influences, but is not decisive. Addiction is of the soul, when the Spirit already has moral conquest, it lives in any environment. He is not made by the environment, he is the one who makes the environment change, through his example.

Addiction is of the Soul

How many spirits do we know who lived within a vicious atmosphere and who had the strength to resist and exerted a beneficial influence on their acting group? We should not be at the mercy of influences like a dry leaf in the air, or use someone else's parameter that is not the perfect model, or social fad, out of laziness or lack of internal values.

The best thing to do is to learn to think, to choose, to reflect and, thus, to build our own code of moral values, which was grounded and grounded, using Jesus (the perfect model) as a standard.

So, in this way, according to our evolutionary capacity, we will increasingly improve our understanding of the Laws of God. Therefore, we know that temptations are tests in our lives, which we ask for before reincarnating in order to test our resistance to obtain the merit of one more achievement.

We know that the stones in the way will appear, but that we will never be alone in this fight. And that the biggest battle is the one we fight daily with ourselves, with our darkest side. We are still our biggest opponents that we need to re-educate in good.

We know the importance of knowing more and more the Laws of God, to better learn to distinguish good from evil, and that Jesus is the Master, the perfect model to guide us.

We have the knowledge of the Spiritist Doctrine that consoles and educates us to strengthen our good wills, and we always count on the spiritual protection that has never abandoned us and will always be, if we want, by our side, strengthening and encouraging us to continue, always forward. and up.

Let us be humble and seek the necessary help. Let us seek Jesus to help us to overcome all the temptations that we still carry within our hearts and to develop all the good that is latent in our being.

Much peace to our hearts.

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