Active brain. Memory training tips

That the practice of physical exercises is essential to maintain balanced health everyone is tired of knowing. But, by any chance, do you remember taking a little time to exercise your brain? We know it's not a muscle, but there are still several ways to exercise it! Keeping the brain active makes an individual's concentration and memory better, as well as promoting an increase in the agility of reasoning.

Check out now 10 training and exercise tips to exercise your brain and keep it always “up to date”!

Active brain. Memory training tips
Image of Steve Buissinne by Pixabay

1. Do crossword puzzles

That's right! The famous crossword puzzle can be a very favorable exercise for your brain. Take a little time out of your day to find the right words that fit the columns and try not to Google the answers! Think and try all possibilities until you find the right answer!

2. Use the opposite hand

If you are right handed, use your left hand to write sentences, brush your teeth, eat, pick up objects, among many other activities that you can use your hand that you are not usually used to. This is great training for your brain!

3. Read sentences through a mirror

The basis of this training is the same as the opposite hand exercise: you will force your brain to find and learn new ways to perform routine activities. Place a book in front of a mirror and read the sentences backwards. It may seem difficult, but it will be quite a training!

4. Watch a foreign movie with the original subtitles

Of course, this training will only work if you understand some of the specific language of the film. If, by any chance, you have taken an English course and you are a little “rusty”, this is a good way to activate your brain! Choose a light movie and practice reading the English subtitles with what you hear! Over time you will even forget that you are watching the movie without a Portuguese subtitles.

5. Do the math manually

With the ease of calculators, it's pretty rare to see someone doing an old-fashioned math math, isn't it? Well then, picking up paper and pen to do calculations is a very smart way to give your brain a boost. You sure don't remember the multiplication table very well or the famous rule of three, so how about putting down on paper a really hard count to pull your math memories?

Active brain. Memory training tips
Image of klimkin by Pixabay

6. Play stop alone

It's exactly what you read. This classic memory-boosting game with time pressure can also be played mentally with yourself. While in traffic, for example, you can find letters around you (whether on license plates, shop signs, etc.) color, object, animal, brand, country, among many other topics to boost your creativity and memory!

7. Play Chess

This game requires a lot of thinking and even helps prevent Alzheimer's disease! By exercising both sides of the brain, the game provides an improvement in memory, increases IQ, instigates creativity, makes the player more skillful in solving problems, increases concentration, among many other benefits that chess brings to the brain!

8. Remembering things from the days

Let's say today is a Friday. By the way, do you remember what you did last Friday? Or maybe you remember the clothes you wore? What people did you meet? What were your tasks at work? Remember what you had for lunch? Take a few minutes of the day and force your brain to remember the memories of that day!

9. Escape from routine patterns

Your brain is already used to some things in your daily life: it knows where you keep your bread, which hand you wear a ring on, what code unlocks your cell phone and also the path you take to get to college . Break those routine patterns and get your brain active! Move things around, change the way you do each day and train new things daily to keep the gray matter always on!

10. Use specific applications

If you are more modern and not adept at more “analog” options like chess and crosswords, know that there are many specific applications that train the human brain! In most cases, these brain training games are developed by neuroscientists who work to strengthen people's memory, concentration and reasoning. Here are some perfect apps to exercise your brain: Lumosity, Threes!, Flow Free: Bridges, Contre Jour, Amazing Alex, TrainBrain, Glenan and Fit Brains Trainer.

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In addition to these tips, you can look for more specific exercises that encourage your brain to pay more attention to the smallest details of different situations. See an example:

Active brain. Memory training tips

a tale of theft

When turning off the lights of the establishment, a seller noticed that a man entered the place asking for money. The store owner opened the cashier and everything inside was taken by the man who then ran away. At the same moment, a policeman was alerted.


1- The man who opened the cashier was the owner of the establishment. Is this statement right or wrong?
2- The man only entered the place when the lights were off. Is this statement right or wrong?
3- The robber was a man. Is this statement right or wrong?
4- In the story there are only four characters mentioned: the store owner, the robber who asks for money and two policemen. Is this statement right or wrong?

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