Philosopher's Day: a tribute to the “lover of wisdom”

Philosophers are those who investigate the issues that permeate human life. Doubt is a constant in the daily life of those who propose to think in a systematic and argumentative way.

Through philosophical reflection, they live up to the meaning of the word philosophy, which means “love of wisdom”. Therefore, they are people who love to produce knowledge, since philosophy seeks answers to certain subjects.

Having a special day to celebrate thinkers is very important to encourage critical thinking and, of course, the career of those who are dedicated to philosophical studies. Thus, the 16th of August, Philosopher's Day, is of fundamental importance.

Did you hit that curiosity? Just keep reading to learn more about the importance of this tribute.

What is philosophy?

Philosophy can be seen as a way of thinking in an organized, systematized and argumentative way. It can also be considered only as a high school subject or, simply, an undergraduate degree in the area. Know, however, that she is much more!

Philosophy is a form of knowledge that differs from the knowledge of mythology, opinion and common sense, but there is no definition for what this type of study is, given the breadth of schools and thinkers.

Philosopher's Day: a tribute to the “lover of wisdom”
morhamedufmg from pixabay / Canva

Very calm at this time, however, because philosophy is a doubt, a question, a question, a concern and, at the same time, an answer, that is, an explanation in the face of the most diverse themes, based on arguments, on rational thought. .

Finally, we can say that there is still no agreement on what philosophy is, not even among philosophers.

Who is and what does a philosopher do?

Anyone who thinks freely and based on reason can be considered a philosopher. In addition, those students who chose to do a degree in the area also, as they dedicated themselves to studies for a long period.

What is clear, however, is the fact that any person who has a philosophical attitude, thinking in a reflective way is considered a philosopher.

Major philosophers and their theories


The first one we will meet is Parmenides, a pre-Socratic, what does that mean? That he predated Socrates. For this thinker, “being” was the principle of all things, reality being immutable.


Heraclitus was also a pre-Socratic philosopher and, according to his theory, nature was transformed, being an eternal “becoming”. And, unlike Parmenides, he considered that everything flows.


Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher famous for his sentence “I know that I know nothing”, because, for him, it was necessary to become aware of one's ignorance to find knowledge. He, along with Plato and Aristotle, formed the trio of ancient philosophers.


Did you know that Plato was a disciple of Socrates? Yes it was! One of the theories that Plato considered was the division of the world into two categories: the world of ideas (concept, the essence of things) and the sensible world (reality).


The philosopher Aristotle, in turn, was a disciple of Plato. This thinker, however, considered the existence of a single world. In this case, the disciple's theory differed from the master's, you see?


Taking a leap into modern philosophy, we present Spinoza, from rationalism. Known as the philosopher of affections, he wrote the work entitled “Ethics” and studied the potency of affections.

How did Philosopher's Day come about?

Philosopher's Day is a date for which there is still no information about its origin, but it is worth celebrating!

Philosopher's Day: a tribute to the “lover of wisdom”
selimaksan de Getty Images Signature / Canva

Philosophy Day also has a day, you know? Yes he has! In 2002, UNESCO established World Philosophy Day, celebrated on the third Thursday of November. How amazing, isn't it?

How important is Philosopher's Day?

As we have already commented, Philosopher's Day, which is celebrated on August 16, is extremely important for society's issues to be critically reflected, staying away from guesswork, mere opinions and common sense.

Philosophers have been essential since antiquity and now, in contemporary times, it would be no different. They stimulate thought, favoring argumentation in the search for knowledge and truth.

Philosopher: the “lover of wisdom”

Philosophy is for those who know the importance of free, non-judgmental, reasoned thinking. Whoever thinks like this is a philosopher and deserves to celebrate the 16th of August.

Know that the best way to celebrate this day is to get rid of common sense and open the doors of the mind to the philosophical attitude. That's why it's time to question, reflect and find answers to everything that causes estrangement.

Want a tip? Have doubts! Investigate things, feelings, the world, people, yourself and you will have free thinking.

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