Access Bars – Money Point

One of the much worked and accessed points in the Access Bars® quantum therapy is the Money Bar. We live in a moment of expansion of consciousness, release of limiting beliefs and vibration in love. One of the points where the expansion of consciousness occurs is to understand that we live in the physical world, and the material part is also important. Taking care of this sector in life does not belittle you, nor does it make you materialistic. Being spiritually uplifted, vibrating in love for your heart chakra, and being financially prosperous makes you healthier. One thing does not preclude the other; on the contrary, you will have more peace and fulfillment and you will also be able to contribute to improving the existence of other people.

I come to give my contribution as a Reiki Master and Access Bars Therapist, dealing with this issue, which I have also worked on in my own life, because, for some time, because of my own limiting beliefs, I had many difficulties.

Access Bars – Money Point

First tip: identify the limiting beliefs you have.

Write down how you feel about money. What is your point of view about money and work? Do you have to work a lot? Some examples: everything that comes easy goes easy; money is dirty; better to drip than to miss; I have no money for such a thing; or everything is too expensive.

Words are energy. Money is energy. He needs to flow. If you bought something, use it! Invest your money in good things and feel happiness for it. As for the things you have, use them or give them away. Another tip is to have an amount in your wallet that, in your view, a prosperous person has. Also use a wallet you like, and keep your money organized.

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Leave it free as to the ways that prosperity can come – money can come in the form of gifts, opportunities, tours, partnerships, more customers. A new job. Money is unlimited, infinite energy. Don't just think about species or put all your focus on the fact that this is how it has to come.

Speaking of spirituality and vows of poverty you may have taken. Quantum command: in all the places, time and space where I took vows of poverty and bought into the idea that money was bad, all that it is and represents, do I allow to destroy and uncreate now? Yea!

Focus. If you only think about debt, what you accumulate grows. One of Access®'s tools is asking questions: How can I make more money? How can I increase my earnings? How can I pay my debts? Because then your focus changes. With the questions, possibilities begin to open, when receiving the technique, the mind becomes freer, and you can see opportunities, which sometimes go unnoticed.

Access Bars – Money Point

Also take care of your emotions, whether through meditation, breathing, reiki, florals, because these resources make it easier to relax and trust, even more so if you are very anxious.

One more tip: thank you! If you received something, thank you! Gratitude is an energy of expansion and it attracts more and more of what it is grateful for.

I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you now and be able to be a channel of help at some point! Lets be happy! Namaste!

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