About Louise Hay Method

    The Louise Hay method is a process developed by Louise Hay, a great scholar of self-knowledge to help you find your best version.

    But how does this method by Louise Hay work? In it, we use the power of words on our body from some techniques that she herself researched, studied, applied and used throughout her life.

    This pioneering method of personal development was created by her at Casa Hay and is always disseminated by a Hay Teacher, a trained and accredited facilitator in the method in an intensive “Heal Your Life” course to learn how to coordinate this type of training.

    First of all I recommend that you get to know more about who Louise Hay is and her life and success story in this other text I've already written telling more about who this mentor is who changed so many lives around the world.

    Returning to the technique used by her, the main steps, which are what most call attention in her first book “You Can Cure Your Life”, which was a worldwide success selling millions of copies, are the AFFIRMATIONS. There she introduces us to these affirmations, phrases that have the power to change our thinking and our attitudes towards something.

    Based on affirmations, the Louise Hay Method brings us a number of tools and exercises aimed at recognizing limiting beliefs and the best way to overcome them. With this there is also an increase in self-esteem and the discovery of self-love.

    About Louise Hay Method
    Dids / Pexels

    Another common movement that happens to those who embark on the journey of self-knowledge with the Louise Hay method is the understanding of the inner child, we learn to listen to our child and even talk to him, because he has all the answers, believe me!

    Louise Hay also brings the possibility of evolving in the creation of social relationships, generates movement of energies in our life and care for the body and physical health. All these benefits are a consequence of the teachings she presents to us.

    By sharing these teachings through her legacy and with the facilitators of the methodology, Louise Hay allows new people to be impacted by the positive energy of mentalization, improving the efficiency of countless aspects of their life.

    • Study the life and career path of Louise Hay
    • Practice reprogramming your mind in five steps
    • Understand why self-awareness matters in the digital age

    For those who want to know more I highly recommend reading the book “You Can Cure Your Life”. Another very rich option for those who want to have a deeper immersion in the method and see the faster change, is to participate in a workshop, a weekend immersion in which, together with a facilitator, you dive into the activities and exercises proposed by her. with the necessary follow-up to develop the most important points for you.

    Every year at Be Your Better we have some workshops on the Louise Hay method for those who feel within themselves the desire to change and evolve. In 2021 we will have a workshop in August with limited spaces. There will be 3 days of immersion in Rio de Janeiro. You can learn more here and follow instagram: @jennifer.byb

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