About judgments and prejudices

Our tendency to consciously or unconsciously judge people we have just met is practically inevitable. We are always analyzing things, facts and especially people.

about trust
Researchers at Princeton, North American University, discovered this in a survey, giving a group of college students 100 milliseconds to assess attractiveness, friendliness, aggressiveness and trustworthiness in actors' faces.

The result was that everyone, in that estimated time, evaluated all the actors.

About Status

Nike, Lacoste, Adidas and CalvinKlein are famous brands, right? And when do we come across someone using these brands or even more expensive ones? What do you think? That this person has purchasing power, right?

It is automatic for us to analyze and draw conclusions about people through what they wear, since it is their identification. But that's not all she is, and we forget about that.

About sexual condition

About judgments and prejudicesAccording to the Princeton researchers: "People can read a man's sexual orientation in a twentieth of a second, the minimal amount of time it takes to consciously recognize a face."

In addition to studies, if a man has delicate mannerisms or a slightly softer way of speaking, the possibility of being labeled gay is high. The same for a slightly “masculine” woman. In our society we are constantly observing people and their way of speaking and acting.

about intelligence

A 2007 study conducted by University professor Loyola Marymount Nora A. Murphy found that looking at your partner while looking in the eye is a great way to realize how smart he can be.

In a conversation it is natural that we want to show all our knowledge and know what people know about the subjects to be discussed.


It is natural that we judge people at first after minutes of conversation, but it is important that we know who people really are and not just in that quick and superficial moment.

“You can find out more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation”, Plato.

Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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