about courage

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the certainty that there is something more important than feeling it, that there is something greater than it and that is what moves, what makes someone have courage...

Not everything in the world, almost nothing in fact, revolves around our ego, what we think is right or the expectations we create... in front of life, even if the mind tells us the opposite, and we insist on our goals...

It takes a lot of courage to be who we are, disregarding imposed standards and/or other people's opinions... and respect the people around you... it takes a lot of courage to change your look, to reframe beliefs and patterns, to ask for help, to assume that you can't do it alone... it takes a lot of courage to live, to deal with life, with the own parts, with the light and with the shadow that is inside and outside of you…

Being brave is being different from what others expect you to be, it is assuming who you are, where you are and where you want to go, building your path without going over anyone, facing your fears for believing that there is something bigger and that you are able to get everything you really want…

about courage
Pixabay / Pexels

Courage cannot be transferred, negotiated… it is a good that belongs to you and only you can access it, as long as you take responsibility for activating it within yourself.

I really hope that one day people will see themselves with lightness and conscience, free from guilt, with the courage to take on new stages in their life focused on the collective with less material focus, worried about the fact that they have to be better than others, having more followers or charging more for the service provided… I hope that one day everyone will be able to do their part, helping each other… then, yes, we will realize the real confrontation of the new era: the battle against ourselves and our ego selfish. However, this will only be possible with a lot of courage, not only to express your opinion, but above all to face these internal monsters that prevent you from being happy and direct you to compare yourself with others and want to be like the other. is and/or do as the other does…

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Do you know the biggest secret of it? You will NEVER be like the other person, this is IMPOSSIBLE, because each human being is unique and it is the differences that should help in our evolution, to live in society.

Hey there you: You are EXTRAORDINARY! Just be you and let others choose what they want to be or do... Be brave to move on with your life with your choices and kind to everyone else, you don't know the daily battles they face and a small kind gesture can ease that.

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