The man who doesn't know what he wants syndrome

If you are a woman, single and struggling to find the ideal man because it seems that they do not know what they want, this article is for you.

First of all, I should say that this is a man's point of view, and it can help you understand a little more about how it works (or what doesn't work) in today's man's mind.

This text was inspired by the amount of women who complain that today's man asks for one type of woman and runs to another. He wants a bar friend, but chooses to be with a spoiled princess. He said he wanted an affectionate woman and then ran to the seductress of the club… I'm sorry to inform you but contradictions will always exist. You can't change men, but if you understand a few things, you can start to get better at finding the man for you.

I will talk about three points that will help to better understand what happens:

Men are contradictory because the human being is contradictory

It is human nature to deal with internal conflicts, from the most banal to the most complex. For example: wanting to eat chocolate while wanting to lose weight. It is a banal example, but it is contradictory. Or having to choose to accept a job that has an incredible pay but doesn't bring pleasure. It is complex and contradictory.

It is part of both men and women to go through these conflicts. Accept this.

But then you ask me: and knowing this will help me find a better man? Yup.

The man who doesn't know what he wants syndrome
Dean Drobot / Canva

Start to observe around you who are the men who can better deal with the small contradictions of everyday life. Finding a guy who can't even handle a simple choice like drinking coffee with sweetener or sugar, he probably doesn't even know what kind of woman he wants yet. Run away from these! On the contrary, those you observe who are decisive even in the little things have the greatest potential to also be a man who knows what kind of woman he wants. Just be careful not to get involved with married men (you can get in trouble later).

We live in a time of great diversity.

Compare today's world to 50 years ago. Today we have many more options to choose from than the generations of our parents and grandparents had. In the past, getting married and having children was almost an obligation. Nowadays a man over thirty can go clubbing from Monday to Monday. Times have changed.

What you can do to deal with this point is to change the places you go. If you want a man determined to take on a serious relationship, you don't expect to meet him at a Tuesday night club, do you? As a matter of affinity, people with common interests frequent the same places. So the good news is, when you find the place that has the kind of man you're looking for, you won't find one, but several! You can even choose.

follow your intuition

Trust your instincts and candidates will not be lacking.

  • Discover what is essential for the contemporary man
  • Learn how to work your intuition!
  • Do you trust your intuition?
  • Discover the importance of International Men's Day
  • Understand the role of the male figure in society

You know that talk that the guy talks just to please you, but actually, you know he just wants sex? Listen to your intuition. Feminine intuition is one of the greatest weapons you have to not fall for the lip service of these guys who "don't know what they want". Many of them do know what they want, but they lie to try to impress. I will reinforce this idea again: men are not going to change overnight. Accept this. But you can, and should, use everything you have to your advantage to get closer to those guys who are really worth it. Believe me, they exist! And your intuition will help you find the right man for you.

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