A simple change can change a relationship.

A simple change can change a relationship.

Not only in romantic relationships, we are all the time in contact with different people, behaviors, habits and thoughts. So that we can live well together we must always ponder our attitudes and words thinking about how they will reach the next one.

When we live with the same companies for a long time, we tend to get used to their presence. Along with carefree, developed intimacy and automatic thinking, we no longer place as much value on such considerations and act more spontaneously, sometimes without realizing what we are doing.

Comforted behavior can have effects that we and even our company may not be aware of. Any affective relationship, be it family, loving or with a friend, wears out when there is no longer any concern to please, the presence of words of gratitude and care on one side.


In order to identify the thoughtless behavior we must pay attention to the day to day. Why not say โ€œthank youโ€ to your partner every time they help you? Why not praise more every day? Why not perform favors and kindnesses without complaining?

We should stop and think about how we are behaving even with those people we are so used to, and be more generous, affectionate and considerate with everyone.

change and improvement

Once you realize that you may be missing some important details, try to initiate the change.

Small gestures can be proven to make a relationship better, especially when we talk about couples. The appreciation and gratitude shown are essential for the couple to have the strength to overcome moments of crisis and stress.

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Amid the rush of everyday life, don't let the displays of affection get lost and always remember to show the ones you love, how much you feel for them.

We ourselves like to be pleased. Who doesn't value a tight hug, a word of love or a simple attitude that shows affection? These and other gestures are simple ways in which we can recover, at every moment, every day, the value of a feeling and a relationship.

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