February 17th: World Cat Day

World Cat Day celebrates the lives of these amazing creatures, cats! Captivating felines, once seen as false or skittish animals, are now known to be charming, mysterious and very loving. The 17th of February as World Cat Day was created by an Italian institution in order to encourage the adoption of these animals, and celebrates the day of the companions of those who live in an apartment and have little time to take a dog for a walk, for example. Cats are very territorial, and some say they prefer the house to the owner (tutor), but this is not true; cats are dedicated to their humans and know how to be affectionate at all times.

Taking care of a cat requires some basic care: quality food and fresh water (preferably running), a box of sawdust or sand for physiological needs (cats are very hygienic and do not tolerate dirt), periodic brushing to remove dead hair ( when licking themselves, cats can swallow a small amount of fur and accumulate the famous hairballs in the stomach, strategically regurgitated later) and toys for fun and occupation of the time when they are alone. Other interesting props to entertain the felines are the modules and bridges affixed to the top of a free wall, which work as a fun station where the cat can rest, play, jump from one place to another. Cats love adventures, so it's exciting and stimulating to provide an enriched environment for them. Cats like to be in high environments, and when free, they climb roofs and trees looking for the best spot to observe everything!

February 17th: World Cat Day

If you have a cat, you usually can't “stop” at just one: you soon adopt one more, and another, if you have enough space. It is important to emphasize that walks without inspection of the cats alone on the streets is not recommended - the "saidinhas" only increase the risk of accidents, being run over, poisoning and mistreatment. Hence the importance of screening any opening, whether door, gate or window, to prevent the cats from escaping and not coming back. If the care mentioned above is offered, there is no reason for the cat to leave the house unattended. The zeal for the lives of our friends is the main thing to have their company for many years.

February 17th: World Cat Day

Cats have remarkable habits: they are observant, they prefer simple toys, such as paper balls and cardboard boxes, they wake us up in the middle of the night to ask for attention and food (it is not enough to have a “half full” pet food bowl, if he sees the bottom). from the pot, will ask for more feed). We may never guess our kittens' thoughts, but we know that the true friendship they offer us is priceless.

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And if you missed the commemorative date because you didn't know about it, don't worry: Hug A Cat Day is on June 4th. But who needs a special date to love these special beings? Every day is their day!

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