a new sun

    a new sun

    The Sun is the great source. From its intense luminosity, it is possible to absorb the greatest potential of light and reflect on what the great energy sources of the Universe do simply by existing. It is an immense power that exists in nature. The Sun emits all its power through its rays. It shines and emanates light to all directions and senses.

    This is how life on Earth must be. Intense luminosity and rich in light reflections. Light pulsates within each being. It can only be reflected to the extent that it already manages to intensely illuminate the “inner self”. Light comes from the inside out. It's always like that. So, the main attention must be focused on the real “I”, everything in your life will come from it. Keep the connection to the full light. You are not alone, you are being guided by the Greater Light that exists. Everything emanates from it.

    First, you need to understand that everything in life has its own luminosity. Sometimes this light comes in a different form, showing its signs in “dark moments”, those moments when life tests whether each being is really fit for victory. They are small victories that you can conquer exactly in the most difficult moments. Life is like this: it demands, leaves free, opportunizes and challenges. You realize what you need to do. It is free to start and follow the path, it has opportunities and challenges to make choices and have attitudes consistent with what will come.

    Just as the Sun rises in the Universe and works wonders, that same Sun can rise within you. With each passing day, hope is renewed and life can be expanded through inner light. Believe more that, like the Sun, you were born to shine. It is a being full of energy and full of light. The balance of life is in learning from the “dark” and becoming light from it. The “dark” teaches a lot to learn different ways of generating light. These are the moments of challenge that life brings so that each being can generate results.

    The Sun is present in every moment. It can happen the presence of clouds and it can be cloudy sometimes, even so the Sun is reborn when it needs to be present. He is the master of the skies and the fortress of energy. When he is born, he manifests strength, confidence and fullness. It is abundant and comprehensive.

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    It is with the strength of the Sun that you need to connect, and, if necessary, reconnect as many times as necessary; reconnection is fundamental, it serves as a life guide. Living mechanically is easy, it's just that there is no spontaneity and freedom in this lifestyle. Already to live intensely is to assume your truths, the light and the dark that exist in your being. It is nourishing yourself through the greater source, having surrender and the belief that, as you receive the light, you can also emit it so that the great purpose of existence is fulfilled.

    The light source exists in the Universe and is available to be used in the best way. It exists in you and in the life of every being. Let's try to be more light and emit more luminosity, fulfilling the purpose of life!

    Love & Light!


    Fraternal hug!

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