A New Star is Born in the Firmament

In this text I would like to talk about the loss of our loved ones and the repercussion inside each person. Sometimes the news is overwhelming, without us immediately being able to discern what is happening inside us, the pain begins to suffocate, an immense sadness and emptiness arise from one moment to another and we were never taught how to deal with it, and we don't even understand the reason for this avalanche of facts that undoubtedly shakes our structures, especially emotional ones.

And now, what will life be like without this person I love so much, who has filled us with so much goodness and love over the course of all these years, the affection, the company, the conversations, the warmth of the presence and then we realize that a part of us too dies along with all the dreams we had planned together... What an immeasurable pain, which squeezes the chest and makes the lack greater every day.

A New Star is Born in the Firmament

Since my childhood I believed that each loved one who departed was a new star in the firmament of God's heaven, and I still have this conviction today, that the Creator has a reason for being in everything, "those we sometimes think were before the agreed ”, they did nothing more than finish their tasks here in our world and continue doing other jobs and looking out for us from the highest.

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This makes the sadness begin to disappear and it is transformed or transmuted into nostalgia for what we experience with them.

Losses are not easy to assimilate, especially those we love, but we need to continue because life asks us to move on, in what life brings us best from now on, it is not a replacement but having to continue even with the pain. And it's important to understand that we need help, friends, guidance, and understanding of our wounds.

There are other types of losses, employment, our health, our pet, which also cause a great shock in our being, but I believe that if life allowed us to have these, it was for us to learn that nothing is eternal and everything passes, and we need to understand that and let everything flow where it should go.

A New Star is Born in the Firmament

Finally, I really like an excerpt from a poem by Fernando Pessoa where he says: “Everything is worth it, when the soul is not small”, that we use the phrase to strengthen our interior for the continuation of our journey and knowing that these dear beings will be with us every day inside our heart.

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