A love that adds up and doesn't disappear

There are so many “types” of love. Throughout life we ​​will go through different experiences, from summer crushes to lasting loves. We will always learn from him, reflect and get to know each other better.

Love is a great experience, it brings happiness and suffering at the same time, and this balance that makes us see when something is good for us or not, when we should or should not proceed.


A noble feeling with which we have been in contact since our birth, love permeates human existence and is faced in different ways.

What is certain is that this feeling is capable of generating many other consequences. Love can be confused, misinterpreted and also very well felt and enjoyed.

There are several relationships in which love becomes obsession and demand and others in which it is harmonious and lasting. Enjoying love depends on understanding it well. From the moment the feeling makes you grow and provides you with well-being, more than moments of worry and sadness, it's worth it.

It's no use giving up the points, as I said, love does hurt but the other side tends to be much more beautiful and pleasant to live.


A love that adds up and doesn't disappearA true feeling involves concern for the other, wishing well-being and demonstrating this in the attitudes of coexistence. A sincere love is a present love.

Regardless of the distance at which the lovers are, the presence can be perceived in many other ways. You can feel the affection from afar.

Participating in the life of those you love means wanting to know how they are doing, offering help, protecting and welcoming them. The achievements will always be shared, the defeats too. Desires will be reasons to fight together, affection and appreciation come as a consequence.

It is necessary, therefore, that the feeling is reciprocal. For everything to go well, both sides must be fully together, willing to face challenges together.

The sure

Be sure to live true love when it gives you growth. Living with another person, be it a boyfriend, friend or family member, requires dealing with behaviors and thoughts that are different from yours, makes you have to change some things about yourself and help others to change too.

Like affection and care, learning must be mutual. Look for someone who teaches you new things, knows how to carefully point out your mistakes and help you solve them. Not the one who simply criticizes and disappears, true love points out the error and helps to fix it, wants to be together to improve together and make the relationship an addition of qualities and good feelings.

Don't let insistence take care of you when you realize that the feeling is no longer worth it, taking forward something that only subtracts you and consumes your energies is not good for either side. The longer this goes on, the harder it becomes to finish and move on. Always be brave, self-confident and seek what makes you really good and always makes you better than yesterday.

Text written by JĂşlia Zayas from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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