A light not shadow side

Sad reality? Is darkness bad? It depends! It depends... Sometimes we need to get lost so we can find ourselves. It seems a little crazy or at least illogical – this perspective is understandable – but let's put rationality aside a little to make room for other possibilities, can you? So come with me, I promise not to overextend this reading.

We all have moments, shall we say, a little dark, at least sad; of those moments when something went wrong and rejection spoke a little louder, the sense of incapacity came to the fore, the designed project did not materialize, the relationship ended, a loved one passed away. There are several possibilities, a diversity of causes from the simplest to the most complex, which move us from the surface to the bottom of the well; and, incredible as it may seem, this occurs at the speed of light and is much more common than the vast majority of people can imagine.

A light not shadow side
123RF/ TORWAI Suebsri

This was all just an introduction to tell you that you are normal, that going through this is common and that you are not and do not need to be alone. Isolating yourself is almost never the best option; the connection with yourself to promote self-knowledge, yes. We know this is the biggest excuse, it can happen in a crowd. Meditation can occur both in noise and in silence, in short, this relationship with yourself does not depend on moving away from people, I even ask permission to tell you that this attitude, in addition to being very selfish with yourself, is also quite selfish with people who love us and want us well. This is hard, I know, but it's important for us to own up and acknowledge it. It makes us evolve.

I have written a lot about love, not only because it is the most sublime feeling in the universe, but also because it is something that goes beyond our limited rationality. I often say that love saves us from ourselves, that it nourishes our soul and connects us with something greater than ourselves, a “business” that I called “the depths of eternity”, a term for something completely abstract, but which brings this idea of ​​going beyond anything and everything that our rationality can achieve.

A light not shadow side
Tim Marshall/Unsplash

We men, sapiens, seek to find explanations for everything, we put logic in anything and we protect ourselves from what makes us uncomfortable. Importantly, this last statement is for those who say they don't plan and don't care about the future, blah-blah-blah. This is also rationalizing and even planning. Often these people spend more energy focusing on the clutter of life than others who are too organized. Think with me: can this speech of letting it flow be 100%? If you work, even with a more flexible routine or being your own boss, there are bills to pay, which require discipline. It's tough, friends. Reality is harsh. We all have traits of control, many would not like it, others hardly have any. The fact is that our society has imposed a logic of life on us that requires us to pay attention to certain points in order to survive. Therefore, we need to deconstruct certain truths to interact with our purpose. So, does it make sense?

We have a tendency to kill things inside of us because we think right is wrong. We end up not seeing ourselves, putting aside our essence for repugnant certain characteristics observed in the other or in ourselves. We waste time, a lot of time, insisting on giving up on ourselves because of things, people, money. By giving up on ourselves, we enter a vicious circle and we start to discredit our potentials, becoming mere supporters of our own existence. For what? To be against; rebel, yes, many times; or to be right, example, standard. We dictate abominable things, mistreat each other and set aside principles and values, without realizing how much that represents our character and everything that really matters. We come to see only our truth and so we don't look at the other who loves us and who we love. We're wasting time judging and seeking perfection, each in their own way. When we look forward, we lose contact, we lose connection, time has passed and then we can't rewind the tape.

A light not shadow side
Diego San/ Unsplash

What to do now? With the absence of essence and/or with the absence of presence?

We need to stop for a while, breathe. When in doubt, always breathe, breathe deeply, notice your body, how much you are capable of doing whatever you want. Then breathe a little more, forgive yourself. To err is natural. Fill that feeling with the will to improve. So breathe a little longer and let that unnecessary part die so that it can be reborn and live fully.

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Your shadow side will always exist, that side that pulls you down, sabotages you, keeps you away from those you love, leads you to self-judgment. Accept it, embrace it, visualize a healthy way of dealing with it. Let him protect you when necessary. Embrace it, but don't leave it in charge. Realize, you can command, it's you who is in front of everything. Raise your head and stand firm on purpose. That force in there needs to be used. Feel it and enjoy it!

Every experience has a good side, absorb and add. Your shadow side can be your best friend, it's up to you.

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