A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 60


    There are often transformations in people that derive from enormous effort, such as those imposed by the recesses and setbacks of Life. In these moments, all people need is for them to be noticed and recognized… but that's very rare. The impression one has is that, for example, people owe their photos on social media profiles and SPREAD TO EVERYONE, so that they are noticed at least in superficial transformations, something that a pious “Photoshop” and/or a few paints here and there among the hundreds available in the makeup arsenal help a lot.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 60

    More what people expect is that they are seen as beings in transformation, emerging from within themselves much better, more centered and more mature in handling internal and external emotional issues. Photos record only what can be even disguised or feed the narcissistic side of us all, whatever, but a careful eye sees the new layers of the reconstruction of attitudes, behaviors, values, emotions and feelings. And people need to be noticed in these splendid victories, so that they are encouraged to go forward in the task of rebuilding themselves and doing the same with the world around them.

    even if it took place on a modest scale, it doesn't matter. Make it clear to people that you notice them, that you understand the differences of everyday life and that you even like your photos on social media, but that you like them IMMENSELY because they look better and better.

    Once Upon a time, in the middle of a forest of concrete, glass and acrid smoke – a thing of modern times, therefore, not of distant kingdoms nestled in even more distant mountains – an ordinary girl who only wanted to be loved, even if it was a little bit of what she was capable of loving in exchange. Without great beauties, he married early to a boy with a good heart and hardworking hands, but who had the habit of looking closely at every pretty girl on the street, even if he was next to his wife and, worse, never looked at her. One day, the heroine of this short story decided to follow the advice of an experienced neighbor and started to change a little thing here and there every day: hair, face colors, clothes, accessories and nothing for her husband to notice, let alone comment. ! She asked for more advice and, failing that, decided to decide for herself what she would do.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 60

    So she began to comment every day about the new angles with which she was seeing her husband, who, at first amazed, said nothing and was a little suspicious around the corners, watching himself in the mirror. One day he noticed that there was a new feature in her face that he liked very much. Happy, he came to admire him more and more every day, so he learned to see in himself what his wife said there was. And he liked what he saw, learned and felt! When he was ready to thank his wife for the discovery she had made, at that exact moment he realized that before him was his wife, that creature he had never seen and who seemed to be enveloped in a mist in a delicate gold that had always been her frame, but which he had never seen because no effort had been made to notice the little changes that would lead him to see through the fog and understand its meaning.

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