A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 44

    Chapter 44 – Don’t Be an Accomplice in Wrong!

    Being that kind of accomplice is the same as helping to push someone over the edge. It gets to be something hideous, when it comes to being aware of the illegal and what is wrong, even so, someone encourages the other to continue on the insane path through the illegal, immoral, in short, everything else of the genre.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 44

    We are often told that a person intends to commit an act beyond the maximum limits of what is legal. It asks for a kind of endorsement, a stimulus to move forward and, without knowing it, we can be innocent accomplices in an act lacking in innocence and which will be penalized with the rigors of the laws.

    Making a difference in people's lives isn't always a sweet and smooth experiment. Many, many times, it is possible that precise, even harsh and impacting attitudes and actions are required. But these must be carried out, if the facts so require. Of course, there is no doubt that not acting together in the follies of our arrivals is an act of salvation.

    Pay attention and consult your values ​​and feelings and it will be entirely possible to obtain the strength to choose a refusal that may hurt, but which will be much less painful than the consequences of complicity in wrong actions.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 44

    One question changed a person's life a lot, rescuing her from the top of the slope where, one more step, would be the beginning of serious legal problems and with reflexes in the family and relationships with the children. Just a question, subtle, sharp, asked almost at point-blank range, followed by the sudden abandonment of the place by the one who asked it and which echoed intensely in the mind of the person to whom it was addressed.

    A banal question, repeated so many times that he never realized the meaning, even in times when its object reigned absolute and increasing: “What cigarette do you smoke?” And the next day changed the insane decision that had been made by the one to whom the question was addressed. (In case you don't remember the meaning, see the clarification below.)

    (Since something wrong would be done and that would lead to incarceration, the friend asked the potential offender about the brand of cigarette, to take him with him when visiting to be made.)

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