A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 37

    Chapter 37 – Face Face sometimes helps a lot to avoid tight skirts!

    But what, after all, is a “landscape face”? An informal expression, which serves to designate that little face we make when our option is to pretend that we don't understand what is going on in embarrassing situations, very common in modern life in which the demons specialized in sending people to friction without grace, but with a lot of annoyance.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 37

    Think! Should you allow yourself to be involved in a tense situation? You have something to gain, will you be better after scratching yourself in the barbed wires of these situations? Will the other person get better? Is it really worth spoiling your day or night with the relational trivia that resonates like a thousand bombs on your well-being? Certainly not!

    Make a big difference in people's lives by not getting into the psychological traps that are interposed by them, even without intending any harm to you, attentive and esteemed reader, certainly a person who chose to be happy and not carry the misfortunes of others.

    Release some of your theatrical talent and pretend you didn't see or hear anything, let an expression of “disconnection” or “disconnection” be drawn on your face. It won't do any harm, it won't spoil the makeup, much less create wrinkles and those ailments that torment more than the aforementioned demons.

    Help people and make a big difference in their lives by avoiding raising the emotional temperature in certain situations just by pretending that "it's not me", another version of intelligent trouble-preventing behavior that has nothing of escapism or omission. On the contrary, it has everything that is defended in the concepts of emotional intelligence.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 37

    Ah…yes…it should be noted that “face to face” is also a good strategy to cool your head and think a little about possible answers. Remember if!

    “Landscape” champions… when it suits them: military police on the front line of the protection of spaces and public property, containing a mob of angry protesters and hurling curses and insults of all kinds, or the head porter at the entrance of a trendy nightclub, listening to the screams of young people forcing the entering the madwoman, or the SUS attendant listening to indignant speeches from patients, or the smile on everyone's face, after Sunday lunch, when the fatal question is asked: "Who's going to wash the dishes?"

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