Foods that increase serotonin

Do you know what serotonin is? It is a hormone that makes us feel good, which we can naturally produce through good practices.

One of them is food, as it is possible to absorb serotonin in foods that contain the amino acid tryptophan. When levels of the substance in our blood are deficient, we can suffer from a number of health problems.

Therefore, it is essential to adopt attitudes to keep the production of this hormone in balance, the most important of which is healthy eating.

Benefits of Keeping Serotonin High

The benefits of keeping serotonin high consist of avoiding all the problems that the lack of it can cause, such as anxiety, depression, bad mood, binge eating, tiredness, lack of focus, irritability and insomnia. Serotonin is known as the happiness hormone because, when it is balanced, it produces effects similar to those of endorphins and dopamine, responsible for causing feelings of well-being.

According to an interview by neurologist Gabriel Novaes Batistella for UOL's Caderno Viva Bem, in 2021, the causes of anxiety and depression are related to serotonin dysfunction.

Its performance in our body is so complex that it acts not only on our brain, but also on other organs, such as the intestine, and can therefore cause food compulsion. Serotonin is also related to libido. Therefore, it is essential for the performance of a healthy sex life. Another important benefit of the hormone is in bone health. Serotonin deficiency can cause osteoporosis or worsen the case of those who already have the disease.

Although neurons secrete serotonin, a large part of it is produced in the intestine, as explained by psychiatrist Adiel Rios, from the Institute of Psychiatry, Hospital das ClĂ­nicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of SĂŁo Paulo. Therefore, it is essential to have a healthy diet to produce the hormone naturally. This is consistent with preferring fresh foods and avoiding ultra-processed foods, as well as those rich in fat, salt and sugar.

Foods that increase serotonin
Danijela Maksimovic / Shutterstock

Foods that increase serotonin

Some foods help stimulate the production of serotonin, so it is essential to include them in the diet. If eating is a way to be happy, eating foods rich in tryptophan, the main ingredient in serotonin, is crucial to getting it through eating. Are they:

  • banana;
  • pineapple;
  • Kiwi;
  • oat;
  • legumes (lentils, adzuki beans);
  • linseed;
  • quinoa;
  • chestnuts;
  • pumpkin seed;
  • this;
  • lean meats;
  • fish (tuna and salmon);
  • chocolate 70% or above;
  • milk and derivatives.

Is food alone enough?

Food is essential to raise serotonin levels, but it is not the only source of naturally producing it. Sunbathing to stimulate vitamin D production, regular exercise, a relaxing activity such as meditation or yoga, a hobby and therapy are some good practices to consider to keep serotonin levels high.

You may also like

  • Find out how to increase your serotonin levels naturally
  • Practice attitudes that transform your internal state
  • Taste foods that help control emotions

If you're feeling tired, impatient, irritable, sleepy, and craving sweets, your serotonin level may be low. Consult a doctor for an exam to find out if your diet is deficient in some vitamins and minerals, and take appropriate treatment to be happy again.

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