8 Levels of Buddhism Consciousness

    First awareness: Gaze awareness. The physical form before our eyes, in addition to the way we see the whole, the nothing and everyday issues. It has contact, attention and feelings, in a first moment. Everything takes shape in the face of what we see and feel.

    From the second to the fifth conscience, exists at hearing awareness, smell awareness, taste awareness, and body (touch) awareness. Body and touch before objects, bodies and natural factors, tongue and taste for food, nose and smell for perception, hearing and sound, eyes and form. These consciousnesses are a constant flux and their nature is continuous, going through the process of birth and death.

    A sixth it is called mind consciousness. The mind is powerful, it has no beginning and no end. It allows you to store and release good and bad energies. When we dream while we are sleeping, the sixth consciousness is still at work, but it has no form, sound, etc.

    8 Levels of Buddhism ConsciousnessA seventh conscience called My. It's like the platform for the sixth consciousness (mind consciousness) to lean on and manifest. Manas consciousness has an egocentric view of itself. It is always in constant search for pleasure and at all times seeks to avoid suffering. Manas consciousness ignores all that we can profit from suffering and disregards the disadvantages of seeking only for pleasure. A devout person with great will and determination seeks to transform erroneous views about himself and the people around him. We should not try to run away from the suffering that afflicts us, for they are the springboard to true happiness. This is the work of meditation and prayers that must be said: to attain happiness.

    A eighth consciousness is store (or storage). It stores all the energies of the other consciousnesses. Remembering that all our words, thoughts and actions come from our life and our mind, and from them positive or not energies are stored, and the eighth consciousness is responsible for this.

    Several factors happen daily causing us to store good energies as well as bad ones. One factor that helps to use the eight consciousnesses in your favor are meditations and mantras so that the daily experience of these consciousnesses are more pleasurable.

    Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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