8 differences in the way of life of self-confident people

Do you consider yourself self-confident? Signs that we believe in ourselves are in everyday life, in the courage to perform certain tasks and in the way we conduct our thinking.

People who are always positive and engaged are sure they can accomplish what is proposed and this is nothing more than having faith in themselves, in their abilities and strategies to deal with whatever comes.

The main question is what makes us self-confident enough to act like this and what is capable of breaking such credibility that we are able to attribute to ourselves.

The conquest

Achieving self-confidence depends purely and simply on ourselves. Of course, like any other situations in life, external factors have a great influence on our psychic formation and consequently on our behavior, however, nothing controls your thoughts more than yourself.

For example, a person who in the work environment goes through many difficulties, feels uncomfortable, cannot achieve the assigned goals, does not even get promotions and recognition, tends to self-depreciate, to stop believing in his qualities and begins to make the even bigger problem, carrying this belief to every other point in your life. In her personal life, she starts to feel less, begins to devalue her appearance, associating it with failure at work, devalues โ€‹โ€‹her personal achievements, after all, nothing will be enough in the face of the fixed idea that she was not capable.

Pictures like this are extremely common these days, mainly due to the extreme demands we are subjected to in modern society. The standards to be met and the demands rooted in our minds, without often even realizing it, make dissatisfaction with ourselves constant, comparisons frequent and disappointment present. Proof of this is the large number of cases of depression that make up the scenario, mainly, in large cities around the world.

The main question should be whether it is really worth spending your whole life sad with yourself, seeking unattainable goals without believing in your power and potential. No, it's not. Gaining self-confidence is part of a rather complicated mental work. This process requires abdicating some of the many external demands and going inside in order to discover your real qualities and how to exercise them.

Believing more in yourself starts with recognizing everything that is good for you and valuing each achievement in your life, getting rid of criticism that doesn't bring you any evolution and envious comments. It is also necessary to get rid of the standards of beauty, wealth and materialism imposed by the media and give value to your own things, without comparing them to the acquisitions of others.

Its consequences

Once self-confidence is achieved, the consequences are immediate and the benefits soon manifest in the behavior and way of life of the person who believes in himself.

Letโ€™s look at some of the main effects of personal faith in the life of those who say: โ€œI know, I can, I will make itโ€:

8 differences in the way of life of self-confident people

less fear

Trust makes us feel less afraid. The new will not be a reason for doubt, it will simply be another new experience that you believe you can face. The possibility of error is considered but seen as a possible barrier that you can also face.

A self-confident person has the courage to know more things, makes a trajectory of thousands of experiences, some good, some bad, but with all this he learns a lot, gets to know new sensations, places and people without suffering, just enjoying all the good that it has.


Along with the willingness to start new projects without fear, the self-confident person produces more. Whether in personal or professional life, those who put faith in their qualities try to perform various tasks and are very successful in many of them. In the work environment, any goal is seen as an objective and there is an effort to achieve them. In personal life, activities are not sacrifices, but more an opportunity to use your power to accomplish tasks.


We have several proofs that leading life in a good way requires balance in everything. The self-confident person is not necessarily always like that, but he has a self-knowledge that allows, even in situations of distrust and/or discomfort, to take problems in a good way.

Those who believe in themselves are not indestructible, unshakable. It just cultivates a stronger will to live, knowing how to balance sensations and attitudes to overcome life's barriers.

protective shield

Knowing and trusting each other naturally creates a protective shield. This means that these people will not be shaken by any squint or any criticism that comes from outside.

Being self-confident doesn't mean saying that to God and the world, whoever really believes in himself doesn't need to prove it to anyone and doesn't bother with envy or attempts to break this current of strength of his with himself.

accept collaborations

Usually, those who are extremely self-confident do not change their way to accomplish certain tasks. However, this does not mean not accepting help.

What happens is that this type of person usually takes into account advice and tips that they deem valuable for their trajectory, but they always adapt them to their way of doing things, after all, it is this way that allows them to believe in themselves and to know that things will work out.

Self motivation

Being your self-motivation is part of the effects of those who believe in what they can. He who knows he can perform such a task, visualizes himself doing it and having his conquest in hand. Thus, she runs after what she wants with the certainty of success and knows how to encourage herself at all times.

Value to tone:

Who is self-confident too! It's not necessarily someone arrogant who thinks he's for others, but he thinks for himself! He usually states within his own mind everything he can do and compares himself to figures he admires. Like the previous behavior, this is part of a personal motivation for knowing yourself well and knowing what will bring you more and more courage to do things your own way.

Be and demonstrate:

People like this take great care of themselves, have good self-esteem and pass that self-confidence into every area of โ€‹โ€‹life they can. In appearance, mood and behavior they will be able to pierce your strength.

Side effects

As in any other circumstance in life, exaggeration breeds evil. So be careful not to go too far. The exaggerated self-confidence makes the individual think he is a superhero and does not measure his attitudes. That doesn't work either.

Believing in yourself too much or too little is not good at all. The right thing is to find the balance between knowing yourself, recognizing your qualities and knowing how to apply them in the necessary way, without thinking that everything is possible and you are indestructible, or even that you can't accomplish something without even trying. Explore your acquired skills and experiences and dare to try everything you consider yourself capable of. Faced with the fall, get up. In the face of achievement, celebrate and be proud of yourself.

  • Written by Julia Zayas of Team Me Without Borders.
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