7 ways to stay focused

    If you want to increase productivity and have time to make the most of the day, learning to stay focused is essential for that. Check out these 7 tips that can help stay focused on what's really important to you.

    Eliminate distractions

    Start by turning off the numerous notifications on your smartphone. If you have any notifications on your computer, turn it off too. If possible, go somewhere where there is no phone, doorbell ringing or people talking. All the tasks you can do in a more isolated environment, do it. The less interference from the environment, the better.

    clear the mind

    Many distractions do not start in the external environment, but in the internal. Look for some form of meditation to learn how to take control of your mind. You will see how many useless thoughts take our focus all the time. Learn to control thoughts and focus will increase significantly.


    During work, get into the habit of taking breaks to relax your mind. Mental energy also has a limit and that's why it's no use wanting to stay focused on a task for many consecutive hours without breaks. One suggestion is that every ninety minutes you take a five-minute break to relax a little.

    7 ways to stay focused


    Plan the day, week, month and even the year. Setting deadlines for completing tasks helps you not lose focus over time. Time is your ally, as long as you have well-defined dates to meet your goals.

    take care of health

    A focused mind is only possible if your body is healthy and rested. Physical fatigue directly affects mental capacity. So try to sleep well every night, eat well and, if you have any health problems, see a doctor.

    exercise the body

    A focused mind is only possible if the body is healthy too. Physical exercise releases hormones in the body that help reduce stress and this totally affects focus and productivity. Look for a sport or physical exercise that gives you pleasure and gets your body moving!


    One of the techniques used in yoga is called Pranayama, which is breath control. Through it, it is possible to reduce stress and improve focus. Look for yoga instructors and learn how controlling the air in your body can make all the difference in productivity.

    Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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