7 tips for exercising in winter

With the arrival of June, milder temperatures take over España. Mainly in the South and Southeast regions, low temperatures can reach negative values ​​and disrupt the routine of many people. It is also in the cold that the desire to work out decreases and the desire to eat hot things increases. This is normal! The mood tends to decrease and laziness dominates, but what few people know is that winter is a great time to train. According to experts, the exercises at this time of year generate more positive results than in the summer, for example. This is because caloric expenditure also increases, as the body needs to work harder to stay warm.

Never decide whether or not to go to the gym when you're under the covers!

The benefit of training in winter may not seem so advantageous when you're warm under the covers, so we've separated some tips that will help you gather that little bit of energy and go out to exercise:

Of course, your bed will always feel more pleasurable than a run in the park. So first obey your alarm clock and get out of bed! Wash your face, brush your teeth and put on your gym clothes. Don't think too much about the temperature! In the end, your mind is in charge!

Find a training partner

Having someone to accompany you to training is always a good idea, whether in summer or winter. Committing to someone will dispel doubts and give you extra motivation.

7 tips for exercising in winter
SDI Productions / Getty Images Signature / Canva

Try to train indoors, such as gyms.

Think about it: the cold is only outside. Training in gyms is more comfortable and you won't even notice if it's cold or hot.

Invest in gym clothes that preserve your body temperature

Now it's time to put the shorts aside and try to wear clothes that warm you up, but also don't make you sweat excessively. Look for the snow clothing section, as they are ideal for training in the winter, especially if you are going to do an outdoor activity.

Don't leave training for the night

Make an extra effort to train in the morning. In winter, there is a tendency to feel tired more easily, so when night comes, your energy is depleted. When you train in the morning, you are more likely to honor that commitment.

How about training at your house?

Who said you need to leave the house to exercise? There are several training possibilities that can be done at home and that will give the same effect as the gym. Just the idea of ​​not having to take off your pajamas or going out in the cold can help you get excited about exercising.

Training in winter is better

It may not seem like it, but exercising in winter is more pleasurable than in summer. The milder temperatures help you get less tired, because in the summer you sweat more and the training seems to be heavier, but it's only the weather that gives this impression.

Find an exercise you like!

It's no use wanting to start training in winter and investing in an activity you don't like. First of all, get to know yourself and choose the best option for your routine, according to your personal tastes.

7 tips for exercising in winter
Gang Zhou / Getty Images / Canva

Bonus tip: bet on an energizing diet

Another great ally to scare away the cold and give that energized one is food. Depending on what you choose to eat before training, you'll notice a difference in the "mood" to get your body moving and get under the covers. Some items give the body a boost, accelerating metabolism and ensuring an extra stimulus during the workout. Check out the tips below:

juice to give energy

Bet on fruit juice half an hour before your workout and see how it will make you surrender at exercise time. Some fruits such as apples, pears, melons and oranges are great in the role of energy source. Write down this recipe:

Beetroot, Spinach and Grape Juice


  • 3 small beets;
  • 6 large spinach leaves (without the midrib)
  • 100 ml of whole grape juice;
  • 300mL to 400mL of water.


Peel and chop the beets. Then throw it in the blender along with the other ingredients. Add ice and natural sweeteners if you like. Now just serve.

Vitamin to give energy and disposition

Still in the liquid vibe, you can prepare a delicious vitamin to give that stimulus at training time. And you can make it with ingredients you have at home, check it out:

Banana vitamin


  • 1 banana prata;
  • 1 cup of semi-skimmed milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of rolled oats.

How to:

Blend all ingredients in a blender for approximately 30 seconds. The ideal is to serve ice cream.

Foods that give energy and mood

There are many foods that can give you a boost before training. Some examples? Brown rice, bananas, apples, dark chocolate, cabbage, ginger, broccoli, chestnuts, pomegranates… It's really hard to choose a quick and easy recipe to make before physical activity. Here's one more tip:

Wholemeal hot cheese sandwich with banana


  • 2 slices of whole bread;
  • 1 thin slice of 30g of light standard Minas cheese;
  • 1 small banana.


Assemble the sandwich with the banana and cheese in the middle of the bread and place in the sandwich maker until the cheese melts. If you prefer, the banana can also be consumed separately.

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Finally, remember that you don't have to spend hours at the gym to say you've had a workout day. An intense activity for about 30 minutes is enough to move your body, improve your metabolism and even protect you from very common diseases at this time of year, such as flu and colds. Don't be discouraged! It is in winter that the summer project begins!

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