7 Negative Attitudes You Need To Stop Now!

Many of us imagined our adult lives the same way: a house, a nice car and expensive clothes! That was the best we could achieve and that meant a certain maturity and success.

But the reality is different – ​​thank goodness!

Now, many of us – adults or not – know that a “better life” is living with lots of passion, lots of laughter and love, which is naturally a translation of happiness. No material things in sight. Even if the definitions of “better life” change according to the circumstances we are living in, what is really necessary cannot be changed.

We need to have a process of eliminating superficial things, until we dig and find what really matters and what makes us live happy. Below, we show you seven things that can actually serve as a reflection for today, helping you identify the main things you need to improve about yourself – and automatically review your thoughts – to live a “better life”. … the one that really matters!

1 – Stop complicating your life

7 Negative Attitudes You Need To Stop Now!

Complexity creates confusion and hides solutions like a fog. It's very difficult to be creative and innovative when you're bogged down with complexity and details. Complexity will also prevent you from being open to finding simple solutions, which are right in front of you!

“Life is very simple, but we insist on making it complicated”, Confucius.

2 – Stop regretting your past

7 Negative Attitudes You Need To Stop Now!

The past is long and what matters most now is the present, in addition to planning your future. All your past experiences, mistakes and failures have prepared you to live your life now. So, thank you for your evolution. Acknowledge your past and what you've learned, then let it go. let go Move on to the future!

"If you have to love, love today. If you have to smile, smile today. If you have to cry, cry today. Because the important thing is to live today. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may not come”, Chico Xavier.

3 – Stop saying you don’t have time

7 Negative Attitudes You Need To Stop Now!
Brad Neathery/Unsplash

Whether it's to be with a friend, to visit your elderly aunt, to watch the sunset, to read a book, to sleep peacefully, or to attend a funeral, our time is precious. You never know when you won't really have time to do any of these things! Without time, you can miss the most precious and beautiful moments in your life. At no time will you need to put off more important things, but it's wise to learn to manage your time better, and not say you don't have time to do your extra activities.

“Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time' is like saying, 'I don't want to'”, Lao Tzu.

4 – Stop comparing your life to others

7 Negative Attitudes You Need To Stop Now!
Priscilla Du Perez/unsplash

If you are doing this, then please stop and focus on doing the things that build your self-confidence and self-esteem. Don't compare yourself to other people. This can make you sad, as reality will never be seen honestly. It's healthy for you to look up to your friends or family, but never envy. Compare, much less.

“Comparison is the death of joy”, Mark Twain.

5 – Stop spending time with negative people

7 Negative Attitudes You Need To Stop Now!
Francisco Moreno/Unsplash

There are times in our lives, especially in the workplace, when we come across people who are not good for us, who look at us with envy or give us negativity. To learn to live with these people, you will need to be very strategic in the way you manage your interaction with them. The goal here is to minimize the impact it has on your life. However, if you choose to spend time with people who are draining your happiness, then you will need to remove them for good! The relationship you have with these people is toxic and will only bring unhappiness into your life.

“Create bonds with people who are good for you, who seem real to you. Untie the knots that tie them to those who were significant in their lives, but unfortunately, of their own volition, ceased to be. Knot tightens, bow adorns. That simple".

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6 – It seems to be self-inflicted

7 Negative Attitudes You Need To Stop Now!

No matter what it's about: stop punishing yourself! Nobody is perfect in this life. You can be too thin, too fat, too tall or too short, and ALL of that is perfect. Accept yourself and keep your head up. Everyone will see how you conquered your own nightmares.

“Just for today I don't want to cry anymore.
Just for today I hope to be able to accept what has passed and what will come.
Just for today I will remember that I am happy”, Renato Russo.

7 – Stop trying to be someone you are not

7 Negative Attitudes You Need To Stop Now!
Vince Fleming/Unsplash

You will end up doing things that conflict with your value system. For a while, you will be able to convince yourself that you are doing everything right and you will have all the excuses lined up in your head to justify your behavior. After a while, the feeling of discontent and unhappiness will go to your head, and you will have a choice: ignore it and remain unhappy or accept that you are making a bad choice.

“Never suffer for not being a thing or for being one”, Clarice Lispector.

• Text translated and adapted by Natalia Iannone from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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