11:11 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?

In the process of spiritual awakening, the number 11 appears many times for those who are awake. It is the famous number of spiritual connection. A call to listen to your inner self that cries out for attention and resolution, after all, the world beyond matter is pure expansion and energy.

People who often see 11 or the same hours 11:11 are more sensitive and have a keener perception of life, where they see the world beyond the 5 senses of the human body. They are more empathetic people who seek to lead a life of meaning.

Don't worry if you don't feel that way. If you see this number often or the hour equals 11:11 is a sign to develop your extrasensory perceptions. Everything at its right time and time, even for waking up. Let's understand a little more about this number.

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The meaning of number 11

Number of intelligence and intuition. Considered a master number in modern numerology due to the high power given to number 2 people (1+1 = 2). While in 2 we have the power of union and receptivity, in 11 we have the spiritual power of inspiration and idealism, showing to be able to transmit messages from the etheric planes.

It is the number of pure intuition and energy recycling. People linked to this number are more sensitive and idealistic, having a vision beyond the material, able to lead people and organizations in a selfless way.

It has the facilitating power to transmute energies in favor of the common good. So when you see the number 11 a lot, listen to your intuition. Connect with your energies to find answers to what you need.

The numerological meaning of 11

Within the studies of numerology added to the tarot archetypes, the number 11 is represented by the arcane The Force, which speaks of instinct, intelligence and the power of magnetism. There are times when we need to use intelligence in our favor and for that, it is necessary to dominate the instinctive forces in order not to make mistakes and mistakes.

It shows the need to achieve goals out of respect and dedication, not out of fear, demands and criticism. It is necessary to have the perception if you are not going the way of imposition, so using intelligence in your favor will bring much more benefits than imposing for things to happen or for people to follow you, without thinking about the consequences of your actions and words .

Therefore, 11 as a tarot archetype comes to say to have the waist and mental wisdom to flow in life.

11:11 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?
bigjom jom / shutterstock – grechka27 / Getty Images Pro / Canva Pro

What does it mean to see 11:11

Because it is considered a master number, many attribute it as a true gateway to the spiritual world, especially when the time 11:11 or the date 11/11 is seen.

It brings the meaning that you are aligned with your spiritual mentors, in the process of awakening consciousness, so pay attention to the signs and listen to your intuition which is the path of the voice of your Higher Self and the Universe (or God, if you prefer) .

In addition, in everyday life, it is a call not to charge so much from the loved one(s) and not to be self-critical, which undermines your connection with the spiritual world.

There is no point in asking the 'gods' for answers and signs if you are not willing to listen and follow these guidelines. Don't allow yourself to stiffen up, becoming a cranky and critical person.

What to do when seeing the time 11:11

  • First: give thanks, because seeing this time the same, shows that you are in harmony in your awakening process.
  • Second: stop for a few minutes and silence the mind to listen to the voice of the heart. Remember that intuition comes from the heart (heart chakra) and, with an agitated mind, you will not be able to hear the message or ask questions for what you want to know.
  • Third: ask your question or just reflect what you want to know and feel your intuition. The answer is sure as a yes or no, because it comes from the purest feeling of your intimate Being. If you notice doubts, blocks or fears, it is not the intuitive response but an emotional one, so the need to silence the mind and maintain emotional balance at a time like this.

the angel 1111

Within Kabbalistic angel studies, the angel that is closest to Earth around 11:11 is the angel Lehahiah, who can be invoked to ask for protection with divine love and brings harmony, peace and intelligence to whatever you need.

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The color associated with the number 11 is indigo, a shade of blue before violet. A color associated with the mystic (breast chakra). It is the color of the psyche and stimulates the senses. It is a color that empowers intuition and helps transmute energies and emotions.

Now that you know the deep meaning of the 11:11 time, you will never stop at least closing your eyes and thinking something positive when you see the synchronicity of having caught this time on the clock, right? Has anything special ever happened specifically at this time in your life? Do you believe in the spiritual strength of this hour? If yes, share it with us.

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