7 days without complaints

Complaining is one of the acts that most decrease our energy frequency. And it's one of the things we do most daily, without even realizing it.

Have you ever stopped to think about how many times you complain during the day? And in a month?

Today, we at Eu Sem Fronteiras propose you the challenge of staying at least seven days without complaining about three things that bother you the most. And we'll help you with seven simple steps to follow that you can return to them whenever you feel like you're complaining too much.

Day 1

Write down the three biggest things you complain about. In this topic, things and people can enter.

Note taken?

For today, don't complain about these things, but, on the contrary, stop and reflect on why it has bothered you so much? Is the problem not with you?

Day 2

How about praying for this challenge?

In the case of people, pray that they will be blessed. As for the circumstances, pray that they will improve or that you will no longer have to face them daily. But most of all, pray that you will persevere in this challenge. If you're not much of a prayer, take a moment to reflect and balance your mind.

Staying strong is essential to moving forward in this habit change.

Day 3

Now is the time to pray for yourself.

Pray that you will be more understanding and empathetic. Pray for discipline to stand firm in the challenge.

Again, if you don't pray, choose to take notes and reflect. What do you need to change about yourself?

7 days without complaints

Day 4

Be positive!

How about looking for something good in the things you've been complaining about?

Having this vision will help you not focus so much on what you think is bad. And find a softer look to guide you.

Day 5

Say something positive to the person who has been bothering you and also about the situations that bother you. The words have power!

When we talk about something, we give that thing more power. And that goes for everything in life. What's good and what's bad too.

Day 6

Watch! Now it will be harder not to complain. You may be tempted to say negative words, but be calm and patient.

Take a deep breath and hold on!

Continue to pray or reflect when you are tempted to complain.

And notice at what moments this desire arises. Are you more tired or stressed? Often your routine can lead you to complain.

Day 7

Research your complaints list. Reflects. What positive things did you write down on the 4th that helped you transform what was bothering you?

Every time you have something to complain about, do this challenge again.

And notice that what bothers you about others can be the same situation about how they feel about you.

Finally, remember that complaining only affects one person: you!

Text written by Gabrielle Carreira from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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