Let life transform you

    Transformations can happen at any time in our lives, without prior programming or authorization. Change of city, country, career, the onset of an illness, the end of a relationship, change in appearance, and many other things. But, we all agree, that fear of what we don't know always speaks loudly.

    We, human beings, are a junction of everything that surrounds us, everything that we hear, learn, that touches us, that we know, that we see, that we eat, that is, places, experiences and even people. The most decisive moments end up paralyzing us. Change is essential to our lives, but this leap in the dark is enough to frighten even the bravest of men, makes us tremble at the base and makes our legs weak.

    Staying in more comfortable zones and preventing change from happening never works. Whenever necessary, life will take us out of our minds, turn us inside out, without even a warning and will take you by surprise, without you having programmed yourself for it.

    Let life transform you

    But look. It's nice to change, isn't it? Every day of our life, nature ends up teaching us that this is part of the process of living and, in general, changes happen for the good, so that other good things can have a chance to happen. And when the time comes for us to leave this life, we will realize that what really makes sense is the end to the beginning, it's backwards. After all, we are all here to live.

    Text written by Flรกvia Faria Santos from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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