6 tips to sleep faster even when you're stressed

Before going to sleep, our brain usually takes a look back at everything we've been through during the day, especially on those stressful days that never seem to end. The first thing we want as soon as we get home is to lie down in our beds and sleep fully. The problem is when we can't control our mind and all that desire to sleep goes away, like in the blink of an eye the hours pass and we have to get out of bed for another day full of emotions.

Thought is something that constantly dominates us. We keep our minds on work, studies, relationships and everything that is bothering us. One moment you will find yourself thinking about all this and most of the time it's when we're alone and unoccupied, bedtime seems perfect to reflect all this, but it sure isn't the right time. Knowing all this, we've separated some tips to help you sleep faster and not lose sleep.

Turn off all electronic devices

6 tips to sleep faster even when you're stressed
Krista Mangulsone/Unsplash

Studies show that people who play video games and computer games for more than seven hours a week sleep worse than people who are equipment-free. The bright light from electronic device screens makes our body mistake it is day. Remove all gadgets at least an hour before going to sleep, this will also make your brain create fewer new ideas than it can with the use of these gadgets, thus causing insomnia.

Exercise during the day

6 tips to sleep faster even when you're stressed
Avatar of user Arek Adeoye Arek Adeoye @areksan Arek Adeoye/Unsplash

Try not to exercise during the night, as your body can get agitated, causing you to lose sleep. Avoid exercising until four hours before going to sleep, exercising is very good for a better night's sleep, but it needs to be done at the right times.

Avoid late dinner

6 tips to sleep faster even when you're stressed
Sanah Suvarna/Unsplash

Try to have dinner at least three hours before bedtime, sleeping on a full stomach makes the digestion process difficult, which makes sleeping even more difficult.

Avoid caffeine at night

6 tips to sleep faster even when you're stressed
Steve Tsang/ Unsplash

Caffeine is not really a sleep aid at all. Avoid drinking at least eight hours before bedtime, this is enough time for the body to process the chemical.

Regulate your sleep cycle

6 tips to sleep faster even when you're stressed
Kinga Cichewicz / Unsplash

It is important to be disciplined with bedtime. If you sleep at the same time every day, your body will get used to getting tired at the right times. Create a routine and stay tuned for these times, as the body will regulate your sleep.

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Adjust your position before bed

6 tips to sleep faster even when you're stressed
Quin Stevenson/Unsplash

Sleeping in the right position will improve your night's sleep and will also lessen your body aches. If you often wake up with pain in your shoulders, head and any other part of your body, sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees, this way your body will maintain its natural curve and your night's sleep will be much better.

  • Written by Letícia Espíndola of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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