6 Life Skills You Don't Learn in School

School is not the only source of knowledge

School is a very important ritual in the life of every human being. It is there that you, for years and years, learn to socialize, about the history of your country and the world, geography, science, mathematics and so many other things that, in fact, are important, especially until you decide which profession has the most to do with you.

However, human education is not just about the school. There are many things that each of us needs to learn beyond the confines of conventional classrooms. There are concepts, principles, opinions and ways that are only possible to learn from experience, that is, literally living life.

Enjoy the time

At school – unless some teacher makes a brief comment on the subject and says “time goes by too fast” – you won't learn about how to enjoy life's time. It really passes quickly, but if you know how to take advantage of it, you will be able to make each day a new reason to be happy.

Try new foods, try new things, conquer fears, live in all kinds of situations so you can really feel like you're enjoying your time. Does school get tired? Yes, tired. But then there's college, work… We will always have obligations imposed according to society's way of life.

However, our obligations cannot become excuses for not enjoying our free time. So, letting go of laziness and enjoying life and the world is one of the items you won't learn in school.

Expand your knowledge and evolve your mind

Most of the time, schools follow a “square” pattern of teaching (that is, something that was pre-stipulated) and, with that, institutions are concerned with giving students only the compulsory subjects.

School lessons are very important. However, some others are too, mainly in the knowledge we acquire traveling, getting to know other cultures, having contact with nature, observing the elderly, among so many other ways to evolve with life. With this, you will learn to respect the world, to be more aware, responsible, respectful, kind, polite and, of course, happier.

You will learn what is really important in life: to live happily and without harming other people.

6 Life Skills You Don't Learn in School

Be independent

At school, you will always have your teacher to answer your questions and help you whenever possible. You have the time stipulated for a break, you need to wear a uniform, among many other details and rules that make you get used to the school routine.

In life, you make your routine based on your rules. Of course, there are rules in society too, and that's why they exist in schools, for you to get used to doing the right thing.

However, you will have the freedom to choose where you want to go, what time you want to eat, where you will live, when you will travel, etc. Also, in these situations, if something goes wrong you will need to find a solution without the help of someone else (in most cases). All of this will make you more independent and self-possessed.

listen to the heart

Normally, school has a few focuses: teaching you how to communicate, how to think and develop thoughts, and how to pass college. Although they have this absurdly important role in our lives, after all, if we couldn't formulate thoughts and communicate, society wouldn't exist as it is today, at the same time the educational institution can plaster you.

Learn from her as much as possible. But outside of her, learn to listen to her heart. Be passionate and passionate about life, family, friends, places, animals, beaches, fields and everything you identify with.

Learn to listen to your heart so you can have moments of joy and pleasure, love and fun.

Overcoming fears, setting goals and meeting challenges

Life gives you magical moments. And maybe the best moments are those when we feel evolution, when we overcome some old fear, overcome some difficult challenge and conquer important goals. That's why it's important not to stand still. Use your free time to evolve as a human being. Be someone who grows every day – but inside, and not just in age.

be who you truly are

In life, you must allow yourself to find your own style, respect your origins and be proud of your history. All of this will make you the best version of yourself.

Having the courage to be who you really are will make you someone happy indeed. Someone light, happy, happy with himself and very happy and comfortable with the way he chose to live.

  • Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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