5 tips for dealing with a crush that never goes away

Being in love can represent heaven, paradise! Of course, when the person we are in love with matches that passion. But a passion can also become a real hell when it is not reciprocated. Besides, it's even worse when you simply insist on staying and never leaving us again...

In addition to this bringing intense suffering, it brings other consequences, such as preventing us from meeting new people and living new passions, lowering our self-esteem and depriving us of enjoying life. Additionally, in some cases, it can cause problems such as depression, anxiety disorder, among other psychological disorders.

There is no magic formula to make your heart forget about this passion that turned into a torment. However, you can adopt 5 steps that will gradually reduce this pain and will also help you to move on after this disappointment. So check out our list and trust that you will get out of this!

1 – Oil that she exists

5 tips for dealing with a crush that never goes away
sweetlouise by pixabay / Canva

It's no use denying your passion or going to sleep today saying, "I hope this goes away tomorrow," without doing anything about it. First of all, you need to look at that passion, understand and accept that it exists. Fighting her existence will be just another way to suffer even more.

You know that story about the elephant in the middle of the room? Even if we try to pretend he's not there, it's impossible not to notice his existence, right? So the sooner you accept that there is a huge elephant in the middle of your room, the sooner you will be able to reduce everything this passion causes in you.

2 – Cut the contact

This is essential: avoid contact with the person you are in love with, but with whom it is not possible to maintain a relationship at the moment. Feeding the relationship is also feeding hopes. And cutting contact is not just not responding to messages, but stopping stalking, asking about the person to others...

An unrequited passion is like a wound. It will stop hurting after a while, but removing the Band-Aid to poke the raw flesh isn't going to help it healβ€”instead, it will only bring more pain. So simply avoid getting in touch with the person, so you can move on to the next step!

3 – Regain your self-esteem

5 tips for dealing with a crush that never goes away
Khosro's Images / Canva

When you don't have your passion returned, it's common for you to try to belittle yourself or adapt to get that person to show the same for you. You try, work and dedicate yourself, but the person never responds, and this can be absurdly frustrating and exhausting...

Therefore, one of the consequences of this process is that your self-esteem is shattered and in pieces, since you have been or will be too long trying to fit in something that does not support your greatness.

Therefore, as soon as possible, put the focus on yourself. Take care of your health, your appearance, your interests, your hobbies, find new distractions, be with friends. That is, do what makes you feel good or discover new things that are good for you. You deserve more pleasure than you try to please this passion you are feeling.

4 – Understand reciprocity

Love is exchange, love is connection, love is sharing, living together. If there is no reciprocity, if what you give is far more than what you receive, understand that it is not love. Yes, that's easy to say, but it's much harder to make the heart understand. But take it easy. Little by little, valuing who you are, he will understand.

So understand this: you don't have to deserve anyone's love. Anyway, you are a person full of qualities and desire to make it work. Then follow your path and, sooner or later, you will find someone who delivers easily, without you feeling that you have to make an absurd effort to receive the minimum.

If you don't have reciprocity and be careful with what you feel, doesn't deserve your time, your dedication and, above all, your love.

5 – Ask for help

5 tips for dealing with a crush that never goes away
and.one / Canva

Dealing with an unrequited crush can be brutal to your feelings, your emotions, and your self-esteem. In addition, it can have practical consequences, such as disrupting your work, your studies, your relationship with friends and family and, of course, yourself.

Then ask for help! Yea, chatting and sharing with friends and family is essential, as it helps to build a support network. However, often, professional help can be essential to get through this situation without suffering more than you already suffered. So look for a psychologist, with whom you can be open and honest about what you feel.

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These were our 5 tips for taking the first steps to let go of a persistent unrequited crush. Remember: if you experience this intense and beautiful feeling, other people out there are capable of feeling it too. So don't hand it over to someone who just doesn't deserve your love!

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