5 things we only discover after 3 decades and a little more

    And suddenly you wake up and you're 30!

    at that time there is no N-A-D-A that will change this condition, you are now an adult person entering middle age!

    You are charged by society as a being who needs to be responsible for your actions, you have to pay your bills, have a family under construction (or constituted), have a stable and profitable job, etc…. In the eyes of others you have to be “THE 30-YEAR-OLD PERSON” and don't you dare be less than that!

    Anyone who is at this stage has already realized a lot of what I mentioned above.

    Who hasn't gotten there yet, calm down, you'll get there soon! Of all the things I have learned since completing these three decades, the 5 most important I will share with you:

    1. Time is relentless

    When you reach 30, people's greatest despair is realizing that they are aging and that their choices and attitudes have to be faster every day. In addition to the aesthetic issue, you realize that you no longer have as much time with your parents and family, as they are also getting older. Can't wait any longer for tomorrow!

    So, more than ever, every moment in the company of these loved ones is worth it. MUCH! It's no longer a shame, but a gift to go out with your parents, walk hand in hand, have someone to ask for a lap!

    You acknowledge all they have done for you within their means!

    2. Not every storm in a teapot is necessary

    You realize that certain fights are not worth the effort and that, often, cooling your head before taking any action or saying any word can provide peace and a gain of time without measures. And if you don't resolve the situation, one day it will resolve itself, but you don't have to dwell on it.

    3. Our body speaks

    Your body begins to suffer the force of gravity, your skin becomes more flaccid, the fat begins to accumulate in certain regions and the extra pounds take twice as long to disappear with the same activities as before. Spending the night at the club, drinking and eating in excess, everything is felt in a much more intense way and with sufferable consequences.

    It is no longer possible to postpone appointments, treatments, changes in habits, physical activities, all of this is now a necessity, and no longer prevention for the future.

    5 things we only discover after 3 decades and a little more

    4. Knowledge is really necessary

    If you heard from your parents that “education was the only thing no one could take away from you” now it starts to make a lot of sense. You understand that the more you learn, the more knowledge you gain and that has nothing to do with recognition from others, employment, etc.

    Learning becomes a more pleasurable need, which often has to do with personal fulfillment. You gain independence, autonomy and start studying for choices, and no longer for obligation.

    5. Always be yourself

    When we get to this stage, we start questioning our life purposes, relationships, goals, etc. Gradually, we are realizing that having few true friends is more important than having several and not being able to count on any.

    We also give up being other people and understand that we can be complex beings, full of different tastes and preferences and that this is not contradictory. If so, you accept that no one has anything to do with it, the opinion of others does not have the same weight as other times.

    You start looking in the mirror and liking what you see. He knows he needs improvement, but that won't change his essence. Much becomes superficial and expendable. You become who you really are, even if it doesn't please everyone.

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