4 Things That Give Bad Breath That You Didn't Know

Bad breath is bad for those who have it and even worse for those who are close to it. Halitosis is a sign that something in your body is not going well and needs to be treated soon. But often bad breath can be related to some simple attitudes that can be avoided, check out:

4 Things That Give Bad Breath That You Didn't Know

long time without eating

Try to snack between meals, going too long without chewing causes your stomach to produce gastric juice, producing bad breath.


During meals, try to chew your food very well. If you chew a little and then swallow, the contact of the food with the tongue will be insufficient to eliminate the tongue coating - responsible for the odor and elimination of sulfur.

Acidic foods

Avoid very acidic foods and also drinks such as soda and alcohol, they contribute to the desquamation of the oral mucosa and also contribute to the formation of tongue coating.


In addition to contributing to the above factors, because when people are stressed they usually skip some meals and when they go to eat, they chew too fast, stress and anxiety cause saliva production to decrease, contributing to the mouth becoming dry. faster, this facilitates the production of fur.

Text written by Natรกlia Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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