5 Simple Habits That Can Transform Your Life

Currently, problems such as depression and anxiety are becoming more and more common in society. With the evolution of technology, increasingly competitive markets and with this "acceleration", many people end up getting desperate, without time and without health.

Thus, many people end up spending hours at their jobs, but when they are resting, they cannot “disconnect”, as they are too worried about what happened in the middle of the week or anxious for the next project.

In this article, you will learn 5 simple habits that will greatly improve the quality of your professional and personal life.

• 1st Meditation

5 Simple Habits That Can Transform Your Life

Meditation is something that will offer you numerous benefits proven by science. For those who believe that it is necessary to be a Buddhist or follow a religion to meditate, forget about it! Meditation can be done by anyone and is not related to religion.

With it you will:

  • Decrease your anxiety;
  • Have more self-control;
  • Sleep better;
  • Focus more on work;
  • And much more!

This is one of the best habits you can add to your life, as practicing just a few minutes a day brings positive results.

A tip: start with the goal of having one conscious breath a day, just one. After that, gradually increase.

• 2nd Stretching

We are all born with incredible elasticity, but over the years, when we don't stretch, that elasticity goes away.

A challenge: try putting your toes on your toes without bending your knee and comment below how far you've made it.

There are simple stretches that, in 5 minutes a day, will greatly improve your health. Some benefits of this habit are:

  • Decreases pain (spines, arms, legs, etc.);
  • Improves posture;
  • Helps you sleep better;
  • Helps prevent injuries;
  • And much more!

To get started, search YouTube for “full-body stretch made for beginners” or start practicing yoga. At first, you will hardly be able to perform the proposed exercises in the same way as the instructor shows, but over time, your body's elasticity will increase dramatically.

• 3rd Plan the week every Sunday

5 Simple Habits That Can Transform Your Life

One of the biggest reasons for people's lack of time is not the fact that there are too many tasks, but the lack of organization about what must be done. That's why weekly planning is something very useful and adopted by countless successful entrepreneurs.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  • Take a blank sheet of paper and write down all your tasks (work, family, friends, etc.);
  • Separate the related tasks into blocks (an example of mine: instead of writing an article a day, I set aside a day to write several texts on my blogs);
  • Choose the most important tasks; there is a theory that says that 80% of your results are thanks to 20% of your efforts, so ask yourself: which of these tasks generate more results in my work?;
  • Organize your week by putting the most important tasks in the morning (as this is usually when we have the most energy).

Do this every week and in the long run you will see a big change in your productivity.

A recommendation: Book “Productivity for those who want time”.

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  • Vibrations
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• 4th Contact with nature

5 Simple Habits That Can Transform Your Life

According to a study with the NGO The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the University of Virginia, contact with nature can improve your mental health. With an increasingly urban world, the number of people with depression and anxiety is increasing.

But a few minutes in nature (preferably not touching your phone) will lower your chances of having psychological problems. Some suggestions that can help you have more contact with nature are:

  • Go to natural parks in your city;
  • Plan a trip to a more natural and calm place (like a mountain or even a place);
  • If possible, have a garden in your home. You can take care of orchids, succulents, cacti, plant trees… The choice depends on the space you have.

Make a plan now for when you will get in touch with nature for a while. Where is it going to be? Share your answer in the comments, because it can help people discover new places in their cities.

• 5th Control your cell phone

Unfortunately, cell phone addiction has become something natural. Young people spend hours playing games or watching videos on their devices and this is all “normal”. Although the cell phone is something very important in the lives of many people, it is necessary to be very careful with excess. So, if possible, use some of the tips below:

  • Turn off all notifications on your phone (especially those apps you use the most);
  • Download an app (I recommend Menthal) to monitor the amount of hours you spend daily on your device (I was scared when I saw this number for the first time);
  • If possible, spend a whole day without screens (no cell phone, computer, tablet or television). It's challenging, but worth it.

The goal is for you to continue using your cell phone, but to control the amount of time.

OBS: If for a moment you thought I'm being too extreme with my cell phone, you're probably addicted.

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