5 Signs You're Only Pleasing Others

Do you always need the approval of others? If you seek too much to please others and that's why you end up in unpleasant situations that don't do you any good, maybe it's time to rethink the way you're behaving. Of course, we should think about others and be kind to people, but we can't put individuality aside because of other people's opinion or will. There is a balance that must be achieved in order to have a healthy life, but for that, it is necessary to first realize that you are not living too much for others and too little for yourself. Here are 5 signs that may indicate that it's time for you to think about this topic:
social approval

If you do things thinking first and foremost about being approved by someone or a group of people, rethink that. We seek to be accepted by society, but that cannot take your individuality out of the game. Do you worry a lot about letting others down? Remember that the first person you should be in harmony with is yourself, only then should you think about how much you should care about being accepted. Pleasing everyone is impossible. So think first about how to feel good about yourself to take that weight of social approval off your shoulders.


Do you compare yourself a lot to others? What is best for others is not always what is best for your life. Each person is unique and we cannot be guided by the needs of others. What is best for one is best for him alone. So instead of comparing yourself to others, look within yourself for what is best for you, regardless of whether other people have it or not, or what they have already achieved.


It's normal that when you make an important choice in your life, people have opinions about it. Some will be in favor, some will be against. If you keep thinking about changing your choice because of these opinions, be careful. As we have already said, what is best for one person is not always best for another. So work on your self-knowledge and self-confidence to be firm in the choices you make. Don't let others choose for you, because the responsibility for your happiness is yours and not someone else's. And if you are going to make mistakes with the chosen paths, let the mistake be yours and not regret in the future for having followed the choice that others wanted.


If you define what success is based on other people, that's not a good sign either. The only person who can define what it means to be successful in your life is yourself. We may have references and idols, but each one's personal story is unique and you need to define your own success goals. Just because someone in your family or a friend has achieved something before you doesn't mean you need to do the same. What you achieve and succeed is therefore your choice, not someone else's.

5 Signs You're Only Pleasing Others

Social Media

If you get sad or depressed when browsing social media and seeing that people have a β€œbetter” life than yours, stop it. People tend to post only what they want and this gives a false image of what life really is. Life is mostly what happens outside of social media, so don't give it so much importance. The important thing is that you know how to use them as a way to have fun and keep in touch with others, but never as a tool to compare yourself or create ideas of how you should be trying to imitate what others do. Get out of this virtual reality a little and choose your own path without relying on what others post. Real life is much bigger than this virtual image that people keep comparing themselves to.

Written by Ricardo Sturk from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.

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