5 Signs You're Born for a Higher Purpose

    Sometimes people just feel like they can't fit into the natural sequence of life, especially what is expected of them. The problem is that many spend their entire lives trying to fit the standards and even become dissatisfied with themselves and depressed for not being able to. It turns out that some people just weren't born to follow the crowd; were born for a greater purpose. They are those considered 'different', who can play a very important role in everyone's lives and in their life cycle. If you feel that way, stay tuned!

    To help you identify if you are one of these people who break the mold and who were born for a greater purpose, see if you identify with one of the 5 classic signs of this personality type:

    1- You don't know how to be led

    Having a boss and daily activities is natural for most people, but it's not the norm. If you've been through countless different companies and never been able to play a role beyond what's acceptable, it may not be due to a lack of competence or responsibility, but an indication that you were simply not born to have someone boss you around. Usually, this happens when we have much bigger ideas than most people and because of that we suffer coexistence shocks.

    2- Inspiration is needed

    You've probably been called a procrastinator, lazy, or someone with no commitment to the tasks you need to perform. However, don't worry! Some of us can't do chores until inspiration strikes. In this case, it works as a kind of motivation. You can go days without being able to complete a simple task, even if you force yourself to do it, until one hour inspiration strikes and you complete everything with amazing dexterity and speed. It even looks magical!

    5 Signs You're Born for a Higher Purpose

    3- You never understood the purpose of the work

    Your parents always looked at you crookedly when you said that or showed no interest in knowing their work as a child. It always seemed kind of pointless to go somewhere every day to stick to a schedule and do the same thing over and over again. You seem to be born free and being stuck in an office just doesn't suit you.

    4- You know things, without much explanation

    You even like to study and are curious by nature, but many things you know how to do and how to deal with without having any idea why. It's as if an intuition or an unknown internal force guides you to the right things to do.

    5- You have intense feelings

    Having strong, intense and insistent feelings is a strong indication that you have a greater purpose and intend to do something different from most people. Don't try to silence these feelings and pay attention to what they tell you, because they can be the guides and direction to your true calling in this life.

    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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