5 profiles of toxic people at work

Work may be nice, but living with boring, bossy or even lazy colleagues makes this routine a little more problematic. The fact is that there are people who are harmful to work. They impede the flow of work, the realization of some projects and often leave the company at a slow pace.

So-called “toxic people” are everywhere. And of course, in a work environment it is possible to find some. Knowing how to deal with them is essential.

On the part of the boss or boss, he needs to know how to deal with people of this type, so that they do not impede the good performance of the company's work. Meet some types of people who are harmful to work with.

1 - Victim

There are people who always play the victim. Whether at home or in the work environment, they place themselves as victims of life, of problems. They are incapable of claiming that they are wrong and facing problems head on. On the part of the management, it is necessary to be careful, because victims do not assume their responsibilities, even causing correct colleagues to assume their mistakes.

5 profiles of toxic people at work2 - Parent company

Controlling people challenge the company's own management. This type of person assumes the power of the boss and will always try to give his opinion, idea, trying to control both his colleagues and the pace of work in the environment. They observe and are able to charge a colleague's production. They can be insecure people who deep down want to take advantage of any situation to do better.

3 - Negative

A negative person in a work group will manage to destroy whatever harmony exists in the environment. Complaining, irritated or suspicious of everything, they leave their colleagues down, more tired. These leave work as if they were working days, precisely because they live with a negative person.

4 - Dissatisfied

It is very likely that at some point in your life you will meet a colleague who is unhappy with his life and is always blaming others for the mistakes he himself has made. It is very difficult to live with people like this, because in addition to being negative, they hardly accept help and believe that nothing has a solution. Nonconformist people will try to break the rules and will never settle for anything there.

5 profiles of toxic people at work5 - Dramatic

These people are easily found. They are gossips, they like to spread news and gossip about the company and its employees, mostly negative things. They like to see “the circus on fire”.

Just firing employees who have this personality type does nothing. Perhaps the management and leadership of a particular company will be able to see themselves “free” from such an employee.

But the truth is that there are many people who act in some way as dramatic, nonconformist, victims. Sometimes this type of person is not to blame because the environment in which they live has made them that way.

What you can do is try to help and not go against. It is necessary to listen to this employee, give him a chance, dialogue, advise. If after countless attempts you can't see your effort, then you have to move on to another task.

Are you at some point taking on any of these roles? Worth the reflection.


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